Walkmp3rson Personal MP3 'Tape' Player
2022-11-29 | By Adafruit Industries
License: See Original Project 3D Printing Displays Adafruit Feather
Courtesy of Adafruit
Guide by John Park
Look the part while you walk around town listening to your favorite mixes. CircuitPython powers this personal music player, with a stylish 3D printed case, TFT display, mech keyswitch controls and more.
Pop in a different "mix tape" SD card when you're in the mood for some different tunes.
2.0" 320x240 Color IPS TFT Display with microSD Card Breakout
NeoKey 1x4 QT I2C - Four Mechanical Key Switches with NeoPixels
Adafruit I2C Stemma QT Rotary Encoder Breakout with NeoPixel
FeatherWing Doubler - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards
1 x Micro SD Card PCB Extender
1 x Panel Mount 1/8" / 3.5mm TRS Audio Jack
1 x Micro SD Memory Card
1 x 100K Ohm Resistor
1 x SPDT Slide Switch
CAD Files
CAD Parts List
STL files for 3D printing are oriented to print "as-is" on FDM style machines. Parts are designed to 3D print without any support material. Original design source may be downloaded using the links below:
Build Volume
The parts require a 3D printer with a minimum build volume.
110mm (X) x 70mm (Y) x 30mm (Z)
Design Source Files
The project assembly was designed in Fusion 360. This can be downloaded in different formats like STEP, STL, and more. Electronic components like Adafruit's boards, displays, connectors, and more can be downloaded from the Adafruit CAD parts GitHub Repo.
Install CircuitPython
CircuitPython is a derivative of MicroPython designed to simplify experimentation and education on low-cost microcontrollers. It makes it easier than ever to get prototyping by requiring no upfront desktop software downloads. Simply copy and edit files on the CIRCUITPY drive to iterate.
CircuitPython Quickstart
Follow this step-by-step to quickly get CircuitPython running on your board.
Download the latest version of CircuitPython for this board via circuitpython.org
Click the link above to download the latest CircuitPython UF2 file.
Save it wherever is convenient for you.
To enter the bootloader, hold down the BOOT/BOOTSEL button (highlighted in red above), and while continuing to hold it (don't let go!), press and release the reset button (highlighted in blue above). Continue to hold the BOOT/BOOTSEL button until the RPI-RP2 drive appears!
If the drive does not appear, release all the buttons, and then repeat the process above.
You can also start with your board unplugged from USB, press and hold the BOOTSEL button (highlighted in red above), continue to hold it while plugging it into USB, and wait for the drive to appear before releasing the button.
A lot of people end up using charge-only USB cables and it is very frustrating! Make sure you have a USB cable you know is good for data sync.
You will see a new disk drive appear called RPI-RP2.
Drag the adafruit_circuitpython_etc.uf2 file to RPI-RP2.
The RPI-RP2 drive will disappear, and a new disk drive called CIRCUITPY will appear.
That's it, you're done! :)
Safe Mode
You want to edit your code.py or modify the files on your CIRCUITPY drive but find that you can't. Perhaps your board has gotten into a state where CIRCUITPY is read-only. You may have turned off the CIRCUITPY drive altogether. Whatever the reason, safe mode can help.
Safe mode in CircuitPython does not run any user code on startup and disables auto-reload. This means a few things. First, safe mode bypasses any code in boot.py (where you can set CIRCUITPY read-only or turn it off completely). Second, it does not run the code in code.py. And finally, it does not automatically soft-reload when data is written to the CIRCUITPY drive.
Therefore, whatever you may have done to put your board in a non-interactive state, safe mode gives you the opportunity to correct it without losing all of the data on the CIRCUITPY drive.
Entering Safe Mode in CircuitPython 6.x
This section explains entering safe mode on CircuitPython 6.x.
To enter safe mode when using CircuitPython 6.x, plug in your board or hit reset (highlighted in red above). Immediately after the board starts up or resets, it waits 700ms. On some boards, the onboard status LED (highlighted in green above) will turn solid yellow during this time. If you press reset during that 700ms, the board will start up in safe mode. It can be difficult to react to the yellow LED, so you may want to think of it simply as a slow double click of the reset button. (Remember, a fast double click of reset enters the bootloader.)
Entering Safe Mode in CircuitPython 7.x
This section explains entering safe mode on CircuitPython 7.x.
To enter safe mode when using CircuitPython 7.x, plug in your board or hit reset (highlighted in red above). Immediately after the board starts up or resets, it waits 1000ms. On some boards, the onboard status LED (highlighted in green above) will blink yellow during that time. If you press reset during that 1000ms, the board will start up in safe mode. It can be difficult to react to the yellow LED, so you may want to think of it simply as a slow double click of the reset button. (Remember, a fast double click of reset enters the bootloader.)
In Safe Mode
Once you've entered safe mode successfully in CircuitPython 6.x, the LED will pulse yellow.
If you successfully enter safe mode on CircuitPython 7.x, the LED will intermittently blink yellow three times.
If you connect to the serial console, you'll find the following message.
Auto-reload is off. Running in safe mode! Not running saved code. CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode. Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.
You can now edit the contents of the CIRCUITPY drive. Remember, your code will not run until you press the reset button, or unplug and plug in your board, to get out of safe mode.
Flash Resetting UF2
If your board ever gets into a really weird state and doesn't even show up as a disk drive when installing CircuitPython, try loading this 'nuke' UF2 which will do a 'deep clean' on your Flash Memory. You will lose all the files on the board, but at least you'll be able to revive it! After loading this UF2, follow the steps above to re-install CircuitPython.
Download flash erasing "nuke" UF2
Code the Walkmp3rson
Text Editor
Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for editing your CircuitPython code. You can get more info in this guide.
Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves simple text files.
Download the Project Bundle
Your project will use a specific set of CircuitPython libraries, sample .mp3s, graphic .bmp, and the code.py file. To get everything you need, click on the Download Project Bundle link below, and uncompress the .zip file.
Drag the contents of the uncompressed bundle directory onto your board's CIRCUITPY drive, replacing any existing files or directories with the same names, and adding any new ones that are necessary.
Audio Files
Copy the .mp3 files from the bundle onto your SD card using a USB SD card reader.
To make your own files, follow the info in this guide on converting audio files to mono .mp3 files.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 John Park and Tod Kurt for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Walkmp3rson digital cassette tape player (ok fine it's just SD cards) import time import os import board import busio import sdcardio import storage import audiomixer import audiobusio import audiomp3 from adafruit_neokey.neokey1x4 import NeoKey1x4 from adafruit_seesaw import seesaw, rotaryio import displayio import terminalio from adafruit_display_text import label from adafruit_st7789 import ST7789 from adafruit_progressbar.progressbar import HorizontalProgressBar from adafruit_progressbar.verticalprogressbar import VerticalProgressBar displayio.release_displays() # SPI for TFT display, and SD Card reader on TFT display spi = board.SPI() # display setup tft_cs = board.D6 tft_dc = board.D9 tft_reset = board.D12 display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs, reset=tft_reset) display = ST7789(display_bus, width=320, height=240, rotation=90) # SD Card setup sd_cs = board.D13 sdcard = sdcardio.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") # I2C NeoKey setup i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) neokey = NeoKey1x4(i2c, addr=0x30) amber = 0x300800 red = 0x900000 green = 0x009000 neokey.pixels.fill(amber) keys = [ (neokey, 0, green), (neokey, 1, red), (neokey, 2, green), (neokey, 3, green), ] # states for key presses key_states = [False, False, False, False] # STEMMA QT Rotary encoder setup rotary_seesaw = seesaw.Seesaw(i2c, addr=0x36) # default address is 0x36 encoder = rotaryio.IncrementalEncoder(rotary_seesaw) last_encoder_pos = 0 # file system setup mp3s = [] for filename in os.listdir('/sd'): if filename.lower().endswith('.mp3') and not filename.startswith('.'): mp3s.append("/sd/"+filename) mp3s.sort() # sort alphanumerically for mixtape order, e.g., "1_King_of_Rock.mp3" for mp3 in mp3s: print(mp3) track_number = 0 mp3_filename = mp3s[track_number] mp3_bytes = os.stat(mp3_filename)[6] # size in bytes is position 6 mp3_file = open(mp3_filename, "rb") mp3stream = audiomp3.MP3Decoder(mp3_file) def tracktext(full_path_name, position): return full_path_name.split('_')[position].split('.')[0] # LRC is word_select, BCLK is bit_clock, DIN is data_pin. # Feather RP2040 audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(bit_clock=board.D24, word_select=board.D25, data=board.A3) # Feather M4 # audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(bit_clock=board.D1, word_select=board.D10, data=board.D11) mixer = audiomixer.Mixer(voice_count=1, sample_rate=22050, channel_count=1, bits_per_sample=16, samples_signed=True) mixer.voice[0].level = 0.15 # Colors blue_bright = 0x17afcf blue_mid = 0x0d6173 blue_dark = 0x041f24 orange_bright = 0xda8c57 orange_mid = 0xa46032 orange_dark = 0x472a16 # display main_display_group = displayio.Group() # everything goes in main group display.show(main_display_group) # show main group (clears screen, too) # background bitmap w OnDiskBitmap tape_bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(open("mp3_tape.bmp", "rb")) tape_tilegrid = displayio.TileGrid(tape_bitmap, pixel_shader=tape_bitmap.pixel_shader) main_display_group.append(tape_tilegrid) # song name label song_name_text_group = displayio.Group(scale=3, x=90, y=44) # text label goes in this Group song_name_text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 2) song_name_label = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=song_name_text, color=orange_bright) song_name_text_group.append(song_name_label) # add the label to the group main_display_group.append(song_name_text_group) # add to the parent group # artist name label artist_name_text_group = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=92, y=186) artist_name_text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 1) artist_name_label = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=artist_name_text, color=orange_bright) artist_name_text_group.append(artist_name_label) main_display_group.append(artist_name_text_group) # song progress bar progress_bar = HorizontalProgressBar( (72, 144), (174, 12), bar_color=blue_bright, outline_color=blue_mid, fill_color=blue_dark, ) main_display_group.append(progress_bar) # volume level bar volume_bar = VerticalProgressBar( (304, 40), (8, 170), bar_color=orange_bright, outline_color=orange_mid, fill_color=orange_dark, ) main_display_group.append(volume_bar) volume_bar.value = mixer.voice[0].level * 100 def change_track(tracknum): # pylint: disable=global-statement global mp3_filename mp3_filename = mp3s[tracknum] song_name_fc = tracktext(mp3_filename, 2) artist_name_fc = tracktext(mp3_filename, 1) mp3_file_fc = open(mp3_filename, "rb") mp3stream_fc = audiomp3.MP3Decoder(mp3_file_fc) mp3_bytes_fc = os.stat(mp3_filename)[6] # size in bytes is position 6 return (mp3_file_fc, mp3stream_fc, song_name_fc, artist_name_fc, mp3_bytes_fc) print("Walkmp3rson") play_state = False # so we know if we're auto advancing when mixer finishes a song last_debug_time = 0 # for timing track position reels_anim_frame = 0 last_percent_done = 0.01 audio.play(mixer) while True: encoder_pos = -encoder.position if encoder_pos != last_encoder_pos: encoder_delta = encoder_pos - last_encoder_pos volume_adjust = min(max((mixer.voice[0].level + (encoder_delta*0.005)), 0.0), 1.0) mixer.voice[0].level = volume_adjust last_encoder_pos = encoder_pos volume_bar.value = mixer.voice[0].level * 100 if play_state is True: # if not stopped, auto play next song if time.monotonic() - last_debug_time > 0.2: # so we can check track progress last_debug_time = time.monotonic() bytes_played = mp3_file.tell() percent_done = (bytes_played / mp3_bytes) progress_bar.value = min(max(percent_done * 100, 0), 100) if not mixer.playing: print("next song") audio.pause() track_number = ((track_number + 1) % len(mp3s)) mp3_file, mp3stream, song_name, artist_name, mp3_bytes = change_track(track_number) song_name_label.text = song_name artist_name_label.text = artist_name mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() # Use the NeoKeys as transport controls for k in range(len(keys)): neokey, key_number, color = keys[k] if neokey[key_number] and not key_states[key_number]: key_states[key_number] = True neokey.pixels[key_number] = color if key_number == 0: # previous track audio.pause() track_number = ((track_number - 1) % len(mp3s) ) mp3_file, mp3stream, song_name, artist_name, mp3_bytes = change_track(track_number) song_name_label.text = song_name artist_name_label.text = artist_name mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) play_state = True time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() if key_number == 1: # Play/pause if play_state: audio.pause() play_state = False else: audio.resume() play_state = True if key_number == 2: # Play track from beginning audio.pause() mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) song_name_label.text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 2) artist_name_label.text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 1) play_state = True time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() if key_number == 3: # next track audio.pause() track_number = ((track_number + 1) % len(mp3s)) mp3_file, mp3stream, song_name, artist_name, mp3_bytes = change_track(track_number) song_name_label.text = song_name artist_name_label.text = artist_name mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) play_state = True time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() if not neokey[key_number] and key_states[key_number]: neokey.pixels[key_number] = amber key_states[key_number] = False
How it Works
First, there are a dozen or so libraries to install! These help us use the SD card, TFT display, audio mixer and mp3 decoder, NeoKeys, rotary encoder, and more.
import time import os import board import busio import sdcardio import storage import audiomixer import audiobusio import audiomp3 from adafruit_neokey.neokey1x4 import NeoKey1x4 from adafruit_seesaw import seesaw, rotaryio import displayio import terminalio from adafruit_display_text import label from adafruit_st7789 import ST7789 from adafruit_progressbar.progressbar import HorizontalProgressBar from adafruit_progressbar.verticalprogressbar import VerticalProgressBar
Next, the TFT display is set up on the SPI bus.
displayio.release_displays() # SPI for TFT display, and SD Card reader on TFT display spi = board.SPI() # display setup tft_cs = board.D6 tft_dc = board.D9 tft_reset = board.D12 display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs, reset=tft_reset) display = ST7789(display_bus, width=320, height=240, rotation=90)
Then, the SD card reader is set up, also on SPI.
# SD Card setup sd_cs = board.D13 sdcard = sdcardio.SDCard(spi, sd_cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd")
The NeoKey is set up on the I2C bus next, including color definitions and key states.
# I2C NeoKey setup i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) neokey = NeoKey1x4(i2c, addr=0x30) amber = 0x300800 red = 0x900000 green = 0x009000 neokey.pixels.fill(amber) keys = [ (neokey, 0, green), (neokey, 1, red), (neokey, 2, green), (neokey, 3, green), ] # states for key presses key_states = [False, False, False, False]
Rotary Encoder
The rotary encoder is set up as a seesaw device.
# STEMMA QT Rotary encoder setup rotary_seesaw = seesaw.Seesaw(i2c, addr=0x36) # default address is 0x36 encoder = rotaryio.IncrementalEncoder(rotary_seesaw) last_encoder_pos = 0
SD Card Filesystem
To read the .mp3 files from the SD card, the filesystem is defined and listed.
# file system setup mp3s = [] for filename in os.listdir('/sd'): if filename.lower().endswith('.mp3') and not filename.startswith('.'): mp3s.append("/sd/"+filename) mp3s.sort() # sort alphanumerically for mixtape order, e.g., "1_King_of_Rock.mp3" for mp3 in mp3s: print(mp3) track_number = 0 mp3_filename = mp3s[track_number] mp3_bytes = os.stat(mp3_filename)[6] # size in bytes is position 6 mp3_file = open(mp3_filename, "rb") mp3stream = audiomp3.MP3Decoder(mp3_file)
Tracktext Function
This function is used to parse the track names for display, removing the track number from the beginning, and returning the Artist Name and Song Name for display. This is the naming convention:
For example:
That will be the third song on the "mix tape" SD card, with the artist’s name Bartlebeats and song name Daisy.
def tracktext(full_path_name, position): return full_path_name.split('_')[position].split('.')[0]
The audio is set up as an I2S audio output on the audiobus with pins defined for word select, bit clock, and data.
# LRC is word_select, BCLK is bit_clock, DIN is data_pin. # Feather RP2040 audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(bit_clock=board.D24, word_select=board.D25, data=board.A3) # Feather M4 # audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(bit_clock=board.D1, word_select=board.D10, data=board.D11)
The mixer object is created, with the specific settings we're using for the .mp3 files and an initial volume level.
mixer = audiomixer.Mixer(voice_count=1, sample_rate=22050, channel_count=1, bits_per_sample=16, samples_signed=True) mixer.voice[0].level = 0.15
Screen Colors
Colors are defined for screen text and graphics.
# Colors blue_bright = 0x17afcf blue_mid = 0x0d6173 blue_dark = 0x041f24 orange_bright = 0xda8c57 orange_mid = 0xa46032 orange_dark = 0x472a16
The displayio group and on disk bitmap are defined next.
display main_display_group = displayio.Group() # everything goes in main group display.show(main_display_group) # show main group (clears screen, too) # background bitmap w OnDiskBitmap tape_bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(open("mp3_tape.bmp", "rb")) tape_tilegrid = displayio.TileGrid(tape_bitmap, pixel_shader=tape_bitmap.pixel_shader) main_display_group.append(tape_tilegrid)
Text Labels
The text for song and artist is set up here.
# song name label song_name_text_group = displayio.Group(scale=3, x=90, y=44) # text label goes in this Group song_name_text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 2) song_name_label = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=song_name_text, color=orange_bright) song_name_text_group.append(song_name_label) # add the label to the group main_display_group.append(song_name_text_group) # add to the parent group # artist name label artist_name_text_group = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=92, y=186) artist_name_text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 1) artist_name_label = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=artist_name_text, color=orange_bright) artist_name_text_group.append(artist_name_label) main_display_group.append(artist_name_text_group)
Progress Bars
We're using the horizontal progress bar to visualize song length and a vertical progress bar for volume.
# song progress bar progress_bar = HorizontalProgressBar( (72, 144), (174, 12), bar_color=blue_bright, outline_color=blue_mid, fill_color=blue_dark, ) main_display_group.append(progress_bar) # volume level bar volume_bar = VerticalProgressBar( (304, 40), (8, 170), bar_color=orange_bright, outline_color=orange_mid, fill_color=orange_dark, ) main_display_group.append(volume_bar) volume_bar.value = mixer.voice[0].level * 100
change_track() Function
This function is called whenever a track change happens. This can be when the previous or next song buttons are pressed, or when one song ends and the next needs to begin.
def change_track(tracknum): global mp3_filename mp3_filename = mp3s[tracknum] song_name_fc = tracktext(mp3_filename, 2) artist_name_fc = tracktext(mp3_filename, 1) mp3_file_fc = open(mp3_filename, "rb") mp3stream_fc = audiomp3.MP3Decoder(mp3_file_fc) mp3_bytes_fc = os.stat(mp3_filename)[6] # size in bytes is position 6 return (mp3_file_fc, mp3stream_fc, song_name_fc, artist_name_fc, mp3_bytes_fc)
State variables are set, and then the audio mixer is turned on.
play_state = False # so we know if we're auto advancing when mixer finishes a song last_debug_time = 0 # for timing track position last_percent_done = 0.01 audio.play(mixer)
Main Loop
The main loop of the program does the following:
Checks for encoder input to change volume
Checks the NeoKeys for input
Plays the current song until it is paused, finishes, is restarted, or next/previous buttons are pressed
while True: encoder_pos = -encoder.position if encoder_pos != last_encoder_pos: encoder_delta = encoder_pos - last_encoder_pos volume_adjust = min(max((mixer.voice[0].level + (encoder_delta*0.005)), 0.0), 1.0) mixer.voice[0].level = volume_adjust last_encoder_pos = encoder_pos volume_bar.value = mixer.voice[0].level * 100 if play_state is True: # if not stopped, auto play next song if time.monotonic() - last_debug_time > 0.2: # so we can check track progress last_debug_time = time.monotonic() bytes_played = mp3_file.tell() percent_done = (bytes_played / mp3_bytes) progress_bar.value = min(max(percent_done * 100, 0), 100) if not mixer.playing: print("next song") audio.pause() track_number = ((track_number + 1) % len(mp3s)) mp3_file, mp3stream, song_name, artist_name, mp3_bytes = change_track(track_number) song_name_label.text = song_name artist_name_label.text = artist_name mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() # Use the NeoKeys as transport controls for k in range(len(keys)): neokey, key_number, color = keys[k] if neokey[key_number] and not key_states[key_number]: key_states[key_number] = True neokey.pixels[key_number] = color if key_number == 0: # previous track audio.pause() track_number = ((track_number - 1) % len(mp3s) ) mp3_file, mp3stream, song_name, artist_name, mp3_bytes = change_track(track_number) song_name_label.text = song_name artist_name_label.text = artist_name mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) play_state = True time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() if key_number == 1: # Play/pause if play_state: audio.pause() play_state = False else: audio.resume() play_state = True if key_number == 2: # Play track from beginning audio.pause() mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) song_name_label.text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 2) artist_name_label.text = tracktext(mp3_filename, 1) play_state = True time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() if key_number == 3: # next track audio.pause() track_number = ((track_number + 1) % len(mp3s)) mp3_file, mp3stream, song_name, artist_name, mp3_bytes = change_track(track_number) song_name_label.text = song_name artist_name_label.text = artist_name mixer.voice[0].play(mp3stream, loop=False) play_state = True time.sleep(.1) audio.resume() if not neokey[key_number] and key_states[key_number]: neokey.pixels[key_number] = amber key_states[key_number] = False
Build the Walkmp3rson Circuit
Display Connection
Wire the display as shown in the Fritzing diagram and the photos here to the FeatherWing Doubler.
There are many ways to do this -- I used right angled headers and Dupont connector silicone jumper wires.
Amp Prep
Solder on header pins to the amp board so you can mount it to the Doubler.
I chose to solder a small socket header to connect the amp breakout to the headphone jack using jumper cables later.
Amp Connections
Solder the amp breakout to the long free row of the doubler as shown.
Then, use short wires to connect the legs to their respective pins on the Feather via the Doubler connections.
Amp Gain Resistor
Solder a 100KΩ resistor from the Gain pin to the Vin pin. This sets the amplifier gain to 3dB, which works well for the headphone output.
Headphone Out
To keep the project simple, we're using a single mono amplifier. Since most headphones have a stereo TRS 3.5mm plug, you'll run the audio signal to both the tip and ring connectors.
Run a single wire to the ground connector.
I used Dupont connector cables for this and dressed them with heat shrink tubing.
On/Off Switch
Solder a wire from the Doubler/Feather Enable pin to one side of a SPDT switch, and another wire from GND to the center position of the switch.
NeoKey 1x4 and QT Rotary Encoder
Use STEMMA QT cables to connect the Feather to the NeoKeys and rotary encoder breakout.
Plug in the battery as well -- since the amp Vin is connected to the Feather's Bat output, you'll need the battery connected even when plugged into USB for coding.
Assemble the Walkmp3rson
Case Parts
Print the case parts in 80s-tastic colors (or any colors you like). The files and notes for printing can be found on the CAD Files page.
Then, screw in the nylon standoffs for the Doubler mounting.
Display Mount
Mount the display as shown, using M2.5 hardware.
Feather Doubler Mount
Connect the Doubler to the standoffs as shown.
Switch Mount
Mount the switch into the switch housing thingamajob.
Button Mount
Insert the keyswitches into the mounting plate.
Then, insert the assembly into the case top.
Carefully press the switches into the NeoKey PCB.
Once assembled, add your keycaps.
Rotary Mount
Fit the rotary encoder breakout into the case side, then place the washer over the shaft. Screw on the nut to secure it in place.
Add a knob to the shaft as shown.
SD Card Extender
Insert the prepared SD card mix tape into the SD card extender, then insert it all into the display as shown.
On/Off Mount
Use M2.5 hardware to fasten the switch mount to the case as shown.
STEMMA QT Connections
Use 100mm STEMMA QT cables to connect the Feather RP2040 to the rotary encoder and NeoKey breakout.
Insert the panel mount headphone jack and screw on the retaining nut.
Final Assembly
Press fit the front and back together and use the side piece to hold them together.
Then, press the top piece into place.