CircuitPython-Powered 3-minute Nightlight
2018-08-14 | By Adafruit Industries
License: See Original Project Programmers Circuit Playground Gemma
Courtesy of Adafruit
Guide by Dan Halbert
There are doorknobs with microcontrollers in them, so how about nightlights?
We had houseguests, it was late, and I needed an extra nightlight in a hurry. I had all kinds of glowy things from Adafruit, but I didn't want to wire anything up. The RGB LED on a Gemma M0 was bright enough, and all I had to do was supply power. In one minute, I had a nightlight. Later I made it fancier.
Nightlight Basic
When you plug in a Gemma M0 running CircuitPython, the DotStar RGB LED on the board pulses green if there's no program to run. If there is a, it shows solid green.
Pulsing green was a little spooky for this nightlight, so I wrote a to run forever:
while True:
That's it, that's the whole nightlight program -- the shortest project code you'll ever see! To use, just copy and save it as on your CIRCUITPY drive.
Then I plugged it in to an AC adapter with a short USB cable, but if you only have a long one, you could bunch it up with a twist tie.
This simple nightlight was good enough for our houseguests, but let's make a nicer one. Onward!
Nightlight Pro
Here's the Pro version of the nightlight. Instead of being limited to the plain green color at one intensity, you can change the colors and brightness of the RGB LED using the capacitive touch pads on the Gemma M0. Pads D0 and D2 on one side lower and raise the brightness, and D1 on the other side changes the color. You can tap the pads or hold them down. If you don't like the colors or the brightness range or steps in the program below, feel free to change them.
You need just one library, adafruit_dotstar. If it's not already in the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive, download the latest version, which will be in a .zip file at the link below. Choose the right version to match your version of CircuitPython, 2.x or 3.x, unzip it, and copy adafruit_dotstar.mpy to CIRCUITPY.
Latest release of the adafruit_dotstar library
Copy the program below, and save it as on your CIRCUITPY drive.
import time
import board
import touchio
import adafruit_dotstar
# Red, green, blue, and simple mixes of 2 or 3.
# Add your own choices here.
(0, 255, 0),
(0, 0, 255),
(255, 0, 0),
(0, 255, 255),
(255, 255, 0),
(255, 0, 255),
(255, 255, 255),
# The two left touch pads adjust the brightness.
# The right touch pad changes colors.
# Hold down or just tap.
brightness_down = touchio.TouchIn(board.D0)
brightness_up = touchio.TouchIn(board.D2)
change_color = touchio.TouchIn(board.D1)
dotstar = adafruit_dotstar.DotStar(board.APA102_SCK, board.APA102_MOSI, 1)
# Start at medium brightness, green.
brightness_step = 8
color_index = 0
while True:
if brightness_down.value:
# Don't go below 1.
brightness_step = max(1, brightness_step - 1)
if brightness_up.value:
# Don't go above BRIGHTNESS_STEPS.
brightness_step = min(BRIGHTNESS_STEPS, brightness_step + 1)
if change_color.value:
# Cycle through 0 to len(COLORS)-1 and then wrap around.
color_index = (color_index + 1) % len(COLORS)
# Scale brightness to be 0.0 - 1.0.
dotstar.brightness = brightness_step / BRIGHTNESS_STEPS
Nightlight Pro Deluxe CPX
If you have a Circuit Playground Express (CPX), here's an even fancier version of the nightlight program. It starts by lighting up two NeoPixels to be green. But you can change the number of NeoPixels, change their brightness, and change color, all via the touch pads. It also provides a brightness limit (MAX_BRIGHTNESS), because the larger NeoPixels on the CPX are much brighter, and might be too bright for your nightlight.
Copy the program below, and save it as on your CIRCUITPY drive. All the libraries you need are already built into CircuitPython as of version 2.3.1 or 3.0.0.
The program will use the CPX's built-in light sensor to turn off the nightlight if the ambient light is strong enough. If it turns off, it will turn on the small red LED to let you know it's still working. But I found the turn-off feature needs to be calibrated per room, so in the program below, that feature is turned off initially. Change the TURN_OFF value as described in the comments to enable it.
import time
from import cpx
# Red, green, blue, and simple mixes of 2 or 3.
# Add your own choices here.
(0, 255, 0),
(0, 0, 255),
(255, 0, 0),
(0, 255, 255),
(255, 255, 0),
(255, 0, 255),
(255, 255, 255),
# Light level at which to turn off the nightlight.
# A typical level might be in the 20's or 30's. You'll need to experiment
# If you don't want the nightlight to turn off at all, set this to a large number like 9999.
TURN_OFF = 9999
# The NeoPixels are really bright, so limit how bright they can get with MAX_BRIGHTNESS.
# Increase its value if the nightlight is not bright enough, or decrease if it's
# too bright even at the lowest setting.
# MAX_BRIGHTNESS should be <= 1.0.
# Start at a low brightness, green, 2 pixels,
brightness_step = 2
color_index = 0
num_pixels = 2
cpx.pixels.auto_write = False
while True:
if cpx.light > TURN_OFF:
# Indicate the nightlight is off.
cpx.red_led = True
cpx.red_led = False
# Decrease brightness.
if cpx.touch_A7:
# Don't go below 1.
brightness_step = max(1, brightness_step - 1)
# Increase brightness.
if cpx.touch_A6:
# Don't go above BRIGHTNESS_STEPS.
brightness_step = min(BRIGHTNESS_STEPS, brightness_step + 1)
# Change color.
if cpx.touch_A3:
# Cycle through 0 to len(COLORS)-1 and then wrap around.
color_index = (color_index + 1) % len(COLORS)
# Increase number of pixels.
if cpx.touch_A5:
# Don't go below 1.
num_pixels = max(1, num_pixels - 1)
# Decrease number of pixels.
if cpx.touch_A4:
# Don't go above 10 (number on CPX).
num_pixels = min(10, num_pixels + 1)
# Scale brightness to be 0.0 - MAX_BRIGHTNESS.
cpx.pixels.brightness = (brightness_step / BRIGHTNESS_STEPS) * MAX_BRIGHTNESS
for i in range(num_pixels):
cpx.pixels[i] = COLORS[color_index]
for i in range(num_pixels, 10):
cpx.pixels[i] = 0
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