HARTING PushPull IP20 mechanism allows to use the potential of miniaturization of ix Industrial® in an even more efficient and comfortable way.
HARTING ICC series connectors offer customers the right solution for applications in target markets and beyond.
HARTING 的 M12 Power K、L、S 和 T 型包覆成型电线组专为能源密集型应用和空间有限的应用而设计。
HARTING 的 Mini PushPull ix 包覆成型电缆组件是高要求工业市场中以太网和信号应用的出色解决方案。
The termination of the ix Industrial® - IDC version – is quick and simple. As you can see there are only a few steps to go to get an assembled connector. Prepare the cable, strip and sort the wires to put them into the cable manager.
This newly developed range of modules is equipped with the Push-In termination technique. This field termination technique offers several advantages and finds its use within a wide range of market segments and the according applications.
With Push-In the assembly times can be reduced up to 30% and the flexibility in the field is raised significantly.