Murata Piezo Vibe


With technology today advancing into smaller and smaller packages and wearable devices becoming more and more common, Murata has provided a solution for vibration notification that fits the bill in wonderful fashion.

The Murata Piezo Vibe is a piezo electric solution providing high functionality in a small package as illustrated above. Power consumption is minimal at 7 mW. The vibration intensity is at its maximum at 3.5 VDC and the current draw does not exceed 2 mA.


This device is designed with a built-in driver circuit making assembly a simple process. Interface with the power circuit is made at the flat flex tab on the long side of the device (Pictured above). The recommended method for this process is to fix the Piezo Vibe to a circuit board. The flat flex tab has voltage and ground solder points fixed on either side of the tab. For testing it is easy to attach wire leads to the solder points as well. Also, the device is fixed with double sided tape making mounting even easier.

The Murata Piezo Vibe is designed for the wearable market. With its small size and low power consumption it is perfectly suited for smart watches, smart rings, activity bands and the like. It is not limited to these however. It could also be used in any device requiring vibration notification.



1 –DigiKey Product Page - Murata Piezo Vibe

2 –DigiKey EEWiki post - EEWiki Murata Piezo Vibe

3 –Manufacturer Datasheet - Murata Piezo Vibe Datasheet

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Travis Weesner 是 DigiKey 的助理应用工程技术人员,2008 年加入 DigiKey,最近刚入职当前岗位,负责为全球客户提供技术支持。在此之前,他是半导体供应商定价专员。在这个岗位,他学习了大量专用于存储器领域的半导体应用知识以及部分微控制器领域专业知识。Travis 拥有电子技术自动化系统学位。虽然他偏爱半导体,但他觉得传感器和自动化是未来的潮流。

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