Initial State

This blog is meant to talk about the analytics service provided by Initial State. There are two different licenses that can be purchased: the standard and the professional. This analytics tool is meant to stream data onto the Initial State dashboard in order to monitor devices and events from a browser. This service can work with anything that can make an HTTP request or that can output data to be streamed online.

This is a great tool for anything that the user would like to remotely monitor. It helps to show trends in activity, peak events, triggered events, and more. The service takes the data that is being streamed in and graphically represents the information in the manner of the user’s choosing. While working through this project, I was able to stream data from a thermal probe and open and close a door with a reed switch and magnet actuator. The example on the right shows the data from the temperature probe using Fahrenheit and Celsius scales when I held it to warm it up, then put it back to let it cool back down:

If there is a situation that needs to be monitored in a system that outputs data, this service is definitely worth looking at. More information about this product can be found on EEWiki, and feel free to ask any questions in the TechForum.



Image of Pat Sagsveen Pat Sagsveen 是 DigiKey 的助理应用工程技术员,负责协助客户寻找更好的利用新技术和新零件的方式来完成项目。他拥有俾斯麦州立大学电子与通信应用科学学士学位,2016 年毕业后即加入 DigiKey。Pat 对放大器特别感兴趣,业余花了很多时间制作和摆弄各种放大器,其中包括他制作的 3 管吉它放大器。
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