
深入了解继电器 – 实验 7

“《Make: Electronics》”的第 2 章深入分析继电器的结构、运行,以及在规格书中查找规格。

很简单的开关 – 实验 6

《Make: Electronics》一书中第 2 章的第一个挑战就是用开关、电池和 LED 搭建一个简单的电路。在这里了解一下该如何搭建。

让我们做一个电池 - 实验 5

《Make: Electronics》一书中第 1 章的第五个也是最一个挑战就是做一个电池并用它来点亮一个 LED。在这里了解一下该如何搭建。

Variable Resistance - Experiment 4

The fourth challenge in the book “Make: Electronics” was to use a potentiometer to vary the current through an LED. See what happens here.

Your First Circuit - Experiment 3

The third challenge in the book “Make: Electronics” was to light an LED and see what happens when different currents are sent through it. See what happens here.

Let’s Abuse a Battery! - Experiment 2

The second challenge in the book “Make: Electronics” was to blow a fuse. In this blog, I document what happened when I tried it.

