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Murata Power Solutions


最新产品 特色产品

MPQ1300 非隔离式 DC/DC 转换器

Murata Power Solutions MPQ1300 非隔离式 DC/DC 转换器具有 71 A 时 12 V 的连续输出。

MPQ860 非隔离式 DC/DC 转换器

Murata Power Solutions MPQ860 采用行业标准 1/4 砖封装,并带有底板,可优化冷却。

MPQ1500 DC/DC 转换器

Murata Power Solutions MPQ1500 DC/DC 转换器适用于许多应用,包括数字标牌和测试与计量设备。

MGJ1V 系列 DC/DC 转换器

Murata Power Solutions 的 MGJ1V DC/DC 转换器的特点是对隔离的要求很高,这在电机驱动器和逆变器中的桥式电路中很常见。

Image of Murata Power Solutions' MYMGK Series DC/DC Converters

MYMGK 系列 DC-DC 转换器

MYMGK 系列:微型非隔离式“单块”表面安装 DC/DC 转换器


MYC0409 系列 48 V 充电泵 | Datasheet Preview
MYC0409 系列 48 V 充电泵 | Datasheet Preview
Murata Power Solutions MYC0409 Series 48 V Charge Pumps | Datasheet Preview
Murata Power Solutions MYC0409 Series 48 V Charge Pumps | Datasheet Preview
Why select Murata's convection cooled PQC250 AC-DC power supply?
Why select Murata's convection cooled PQC250 ACDC power supply?
True RMS self-powered AC voltmeter fits 30.5 mm / 1.20 inch panel cutout
True RMS self-powered AC voltmeter fits 30.5 mm / 1.20 inch panel cutout

近期 PTM

Open Frame AC/DC Power Supplies
5 minutes
Open Frame, Low Power Front End AC/DC Power Supplies
Review of Murata’s current product offerings for open frame, low power, front end power supplies.
Image of Murata Power Solutions' MGN1 Series of DC/DC Converters
5 minutes
MGN1 Series of DC/DC Converters
Murata MGN1 series 1 W high isolation gate driver DC/DC converters minimize coupling of transients across the osolation barrier and reduce system EMI problems.
Image of Murata Power Solutions' DMR35 Digital Panel Meter
5 minutes
DMR35 Series of Digital Panel Meters
Murata DMR panel meters offer DC voltage and current meters with a dual numeric/bar graph display that provides an electronic upgrade for 2 1/2" analog meters.
Image of Murata Power Solutions' IRQ-W80 and IRH-W80 Series 150 W to 250 W DC/DC Converters
5 minutes
IRQ-W80/IRH-W80 Series 150 W to 250 W DC/DC Converters
Murata Power Solutions' IRQ-W80 and IRH-W80 series of DC/DC converters are designed for embedded applications in the railway, transportation and industrial sectors.
Image of Murata UltraBK™ MYTN Series of Power Modules
5 minutes
UltraBK™ MYTN Series of Power Modules
This presentation will provide an overview of Murata's UltraBK™ MYTN series of power modules.
Murata Power Solutions UWS Q12 Series DOSA Compliant 1/16th Brick DC-DC Converter
5 minutes
UWS Q12 Series DOSA Compliant 1/16th Brick DC-DC Converter
This presentation will cover information pertaining to this DC-DC converter, explaining the function, features and line up of what is currently available from the company.

关于 Murata Power Solutions

Murata Power Solutions 设计和制造 DC/DC 转换器、AC/DC 电源、磁性器件、数据采集设备和数字式面板仪表,包括各种定制、标准和标准改进型版本。公司目前是全球第一大 DC/DC 转换器供应商,并名列全球 5 大整体电源电子器件供应商,我们的产品应用广泛,涵盖电信、计算、工业、医疗、办公设备和更多领域。Murata Power Solutions 成立于 2007 年,前身是 Murata Manufacturing Corporation 收购的 C&D Technologies 的电源电子部门。我们的总部位于美国马萨诸塞州的 Mansfield,拥有 1300 多名雇员,在美国其他地方和加拿大、墨西哥、英国、法国、德国、日本、中国、新加坡设有分部。