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SCM5B Isolated Analog Signal Conditioning Modules
20 family groups of 250+ different modules: a wide selection of input and output functions. Each SCM5B module provides a single channel of isolated analog input or output.

SCM7B Isolated Process Control Signal Conditioning Modules
15 family groups of 200+ different modules: a compact, low-cost solution for industrial data acquisition and process control applications. Isolated analog input or output.

SensorLex® 8B Isolated Analog Signal Conditioning Modules
19 family groups of 130+ modules: an optimal solution for monitoring real-world process signals and providing high-level signals for data acquisition.

DSCA High-Performance, DIN-Rail Mount, Isolated Signal Conditioners
16 family groups of 375+ different modules: a wide selection of input and output functions. Each Instrument Class DSCA module provides isolated analog input or output.

Dataforth Celebrates 40 Years
Dataforth is a worldwide innovator of signal conditioning, data acquisition, and data communication products.

DSCA 系列隔离信号调节器
Dataforth DSCA 系列隔离式信号调节器具有出色的长期稳定性,不需要重新校准。

SCMD 系列隔离式小型数字 I/O 模块
Dataforth SCMD 系列小型数字 I/O 模块是固态设备,可向计算机发送“开”和“关”信号。

SCM9B 系列智能信号调节模块
Dataforth SCM9B 系列信号调节模块可用作传感器到计算机模块、计算机到模拟输出模块或转换器和中继器。

SensorLex® 8B 隔离式过程控制信号调理模块
Dataforth SensorLex ® 8B 系列具有 130 多个模块,为测量真实世界过程信号提供解决方案。
Tools and Support

Utilize our Library of 3D CAD Models of Dataforth Modules and Accessories
Dataforth has made available 3D CAD models, in STEP and STL format, for many of our product families.
了解详情Find Answers to Your Questions in our Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to your questions in our Frequently Asked Questions section on our webpage. Signal Conditioning, Data Acquisition.
关于 Dataforth
Dataforth is a worldwide innovator, established to provide signal conditioning, data acquisition, and data communication products to an ever-growing factory automation market. Today they maintain growth while continuously delivering new product offerings consisting of high quality solutions for industrial applications.