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Starduino: 8-Bit Super Mario Tree Topper

2024-12-20 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project 3D Printing Addressable LEDs

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by John Park



This guide was written for the Gemma v2 boards. It can also be done ‎with the Gemma M0. We recommend the Gemma M0 as it is easier ‎to use and is more compatible with modern computers! The wiring is ‎the same.‎

Let's build an 8-bit tree topper! This project uses the GEMMA to run a ‎NeoPixel ring stuffed inside a 3D printed Mario star. You start out by ‎printing four-star model parts. Then, you'll build and program the ‎circuit. Next comes assembly, and finally you'll power it up and place ‎it atop your tree! (Thanks to Artie Beavis / AtmelMakes for the name!)‎

Before you start, you should be familiar with using your 3D printer, ‎and read up on these guides:‎

‎ You'll need:‎


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Print the Star

Time to heat and squeeze a length of humble, nondescript plastic ‎filament into a delightful, three-dimensional object! The model was ‎built in Rhino using NURBS curves, extrusions, and solid Booleans. ‎The star has a cylindrical section designed to fit the GEMMA and ‎NeoPixel ring, as well as a slot for the USB cable. The rectangular ‎base piece has a complimentary section as well as posts to snap into ‎the holes in the star once the electronics are in place, and a tubular ‎section that to slide over the top of your tree.‎



First, you'll need to download the model files from the link below.‎

Download STL files

Once downloaded, load the first model, StarduinoBody.stl, into CURA ‎or another 3D printer slicer package.‎


Adjust the settings to suit your printer -- a fairly low-resolution print ‎with 5-10% infill works well. Then, load natural/translucent filament ‎into your printer and print!‎


Next, load the StarduinoBase.stl model and print it with the same ‎settings as the body.‎



The final parts to print are the eyes. You may want to switch to black ‎filament for these prints. Or you may print with the same filament as ‎before and then simply ink the eyes with black permanent marker. ‎You can choose to print one eye at a time or both in one print job.‎



Once you've completed making the eyes, go ahead and press fit ‎them into the star.‎


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Make the Blinky Electronics

Controlling the NeoPixel ring's individual LEDs from the GEMMA is ‎quite simple. Since the NeoPixels are individually addressable, the ‎only connections needed between the ring and the GEMMA are for ‎voltage, ground, and control signal. That's just three wires!‎

This guide was written for the Gemma v2 board. The pins used are ‎the same for the Gemma M0. We recommend the Gemma M0 as it ‎is easier to use and is more compatible with modern computers!‎


Cut three short lengths of wire (enamel covered motor wire is used ‎here, but you can use any type that you have handy). Strip a bit off ‎their ends, then solder these connections:‎

  • GEMMA GND -> NeoPixel Gnd

  • GEMMA Vout -> NeoPixel Vcc

  • GEMMA D0 -> NeoPixel IN




Once soldering is completed, bend and tuck the wiring so that the ‎GEMMA fits neatly inside the NeoPixel ring.‎


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Arduino Code

The Arduino code presented below works equally well on GEMMA: v2 ‎and M0. But if you have an M0 board, consider using the ‎CircuitPython code on the next page of this guide, no Arduino IDE ‎required!‎

To program GEMMA, make sure you have followed the instructions ‎found in the "Introducing GEMMA" guide.‎

Once you've got the GEMMA working, you can play with different ‎example sketches, or code your own blinky pattern.‎

If you'd like an exciting, fiery pattern to run, download and install the ‎FastLED Arduino library found here, and then copy the following ‎Arduino sketch.‎

Plug the GEMMA into a USB cable connected to your computer, ‎press, and release the reset button on the GEMMA (the red LED on ‎the GEMMA will blink) and then use the Arduino software IDE to ‎upload the sketch to the board.‎

‎Download File

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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Mikey Sklar for Adafruit Industries
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

#include <FastLED.h>

#define LED_PIN     0
#define CHIPSET     WS2811
#define NUM_LEDS    30

#define BRIGHTNESS  200

bool gReverseDirection = false;


void setup() {
  delay(3000); // sanity delay
  FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
  FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS );

void loop()
  // Add entropy to random number generator; we use a lot of it.
  // random16_add_entropy( random());

  Fire2012(); // run simulation frame; // display this frame
  FastLED.delay(1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND);

// Fire2012 by Mark Kriegsman, July 2012
// as part of "Five Elements" shown here:
// This basic one-dimensional 'fire' simulation works roughly as follows:
// There's a underlying array of 'heat' cells, that model the temperature
// at each point along the line.  Every cycle through the simulation, 
// four steps are performed:
//  1) All cells cool down a little bit, losing heat to the air
//  2) The heat from each cell drifts 'up' and diffuses a little
//  3) Sometimes randomly new 'sparks' of heat are added at the bottom
//  4) The heat from each cell is rendered as a color into the leds array
//     The heat-to-color mapping uses a black-body radiation approximation.
// Temperature is in arbitrary units from 0 (cold black) to 255 (white hot).
// This simulation scales it self a bit depending on NUM_LEDS; it should look
// "OK" on anywhere from 20 to 100 LEDs without too much tweaking. 
// I recommend running this simulation at anywhere from 30-100 frames per second,
// meaning an interframe delay of about 10-35 milliseconds.
// Looks best on a high-density LED setup (60+ pixels/meter).
// There are two main parameters you can play with to control the look and
// feel of your fire: COOLING (used in step 1 above), and SPARKING (used
// in step 3 above).
// COOLING: How much does the air cool as it rises?
// Less cooling = taller flames.  More cooling = shorter flames.
// Default 50, suggested range 20-100 
#define COOLING  55

// SPARKING: What chance (out of 255) is there that a new spark will be lit?
// Higher chance = more roaring fire.  Lower chance = more flickery fire.
// Default 120, suggested range 50-200.
#define SPARKING 120

void Fire2012()
// Array of temperature readings at each simulation cell
  static byte heat[NUM_LEDS];

  // Step 1.  Cool down every cell a little
    for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) {
      heat[i] = qsub8( heat[i],  random8(0, ((COOLING * 10) / NUM_LEDS) + 2));
    // Step 2.  Heat from each cell drifts 'up' and diffuses a little
    for( int k= NUM_LEDS - 1; k >= 2; k--) {
      heat[k] = (heat[k - 1] + heat[k - 2] + heat[k - 2] ) / 3;
    // Step 3.  Randomly ignite new 'sparks' of heat near the bottom
    if( random8() < SPARKING ) {
      int y = random8(7);
      heat[y] = qadd8( heat[y], random8(160,255) );

    // Step 4.  Map from heat cells to LED colors
    for( int j = 0; j < NUM_LEDS; j++) {
      CRGB color = HeatColor( heat[j]);
      int pixelnumber;
      if( gReverseDirection ) {
        pixelnumber = (NUM_LEDS-1) - j;
      } else {
        pixelnumber = j;
      leds[pixelnumber] = color;

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CircuitPython Code


GEMMA M0 boards can run CircuitPython — a different approach to ‎programming compared to Arduino sketches. In fact, CircuitPython ‎comes factory pre-loaded on GEMMA M0. If you’ve overwritten it ‎with an Arduino sketch, or just want to learn the basics of setting up ‎and using CircuitPython, this is explained in the Adafruit ‎GEMMA M0 guide.‎

These directions are specific to the “M0” GEMMA board. The GEMMA ‎v2 with an 8-bit AVR microcontroller doesn’t run CircuitPython…for ‎those boards, use the Arduino sketch on the “Arduino code” page of ‎this guide.‎

Below is CircuitPython code that works similarly (though not exactly ‎the same) as the Arduino sketch shown on a prior page. To use this, ‎plug the GEMMA M0 into USB…it should show up on your computer ‎as a small flash drive…then edit the file “” with your text ‎editor of choice. Select and copy the code below and paste it into ‎that file, entirely replacing its contents (don’t mix it in with ‎lingering bits of old code). When you save the file, the code ‎should start running almost immediately (if not, see notes at the ‎bottom of this page).‎

If GEMMA M0 doesn’t show up as a drive, follow the GEMMA M0 ‎guide link above to prepare the board for CircuitPython.‎

‎Download Project Bundle

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Mikey Sklar for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import board
import neopixel
import adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled as fancy

num_leds = 16       # number of LEDs per strip
saturation = 255    # 0-255, 0 is pure white, 255 is fully saturated color
blend = True        # color blending between palette indices
brightness = 0.8    # brightness the range is 0.0 - 1.0
flicker = 0          # flame flicker

# NeoPixel objects using
leds = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D0, num_leds)

# Inspired by Fire2012() by Mark Kriegsman and his use of FastLED
# to create a one-dimensional 'fire' simulation
# the heat colors are from the heat palette that FastLED provides
def fire_2018(strip, offset):
    # heat colors
    palette = [0x330000, 0x660000, 0x990000, 0xCC0000, 0xFF0000,
               0xFF3300, 0xFF6600, 0xFF9900, 0xFFCC00, 0xFFFF00,
               0xFFFF33, 0xFFFF66, 0xFFFF99, 0xFFFFCC]

    for i in range(num_leds):
        # FancyLED can handle the gamma adjustment, brightness and RGB settings
        color = fancy.palette_lookup(palette, offset + i / num_leds)
        color = fancy.gamma_adjust(color, brightness=brightness)
        strip[i] = color.pack()

while True:
    fire_2018(leds, flicker)
    flicker += 0.3           # flame flicker, adjust value to control speed

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Installing Libraries

This code requires two libraries be installed:‎

  • neopixel

  • adafruit_fancyled

‎ A factory-fresh board will have the NeoPixel library already installed. ‎If you’ve just reloaded the board with CircuitPython, create the “lib” ‎directory and then copy in the neopixel.mpy and adafruit_fancyled ‎folder from the latest release of the Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle. ‎

The FancyLED library being using in this CircuitPython example is ‎not the same as the FastLED used for Arduino. FancyLED has a ‎subset of FastLED features and some different syntax. The FancyLED ‎tutorial provides an excellent overview. ‎

The file system layout on your gemma M0 should look like this:‎

Download File

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$ pwd
$ find .

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Assemble the Awesome Starduino

The final step is to put the electronics into the star. Simply place the ‎NeoPixel/GEMMA bundle into the cylindrical recess in the star with ‎the LEDs facing forward, plug in the USB cable, and then place the ‎base model onto the backside, snapping the four posts into place. It ‎should all hold together nicely via friction.‎




Plug the USB cable into a power source -- either a wall adapter or a ‎battery -- and watch it sparkle!‎


All that's left is to top your tree with your rad 8-bit Super Mario star!‎


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