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Solar Eclipse Data Logger

2024-03-05 | By Zach Hipps

License: See Original Project

In 2017 my wife and I drove to South Carolina to witness the total solar eclipse. I have ‎to say it is one of the coolest celestial events that I've witnessed in my life. At the time, I ‎thought this was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But soon after that, I ‎discovered that we would have another total solar eclipse in 2024. Well, here I am ‎nearly seven years later, and I am super pumped that I get to see another total solar ‎eclipse on April 8th!‎


This is going to be a simple project and I want you to build one so that we can all collect ‎data on this event and share it together. I know I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to ‎space and science, but I think it would be really cool for a whole bunch of people to ‎collect data on the solar eclipse so that we can compare. I'm going to need a ‎microcontroller for this project, and I decided to use the Adafruit ESP32 Reverse TFT ‎Feather Board. The main thing that I want to be able to measure during a solar eclipse ‎is the light level. I want to be able to measure what it is before, during, and after the ‎event. To do this there are a couple of options. I could just get a simple photoresistor ‎and put it into a voltage divider. Then I could read the analog voltage with an ADC pin ‎on the microcontroller. The other option is to use a sensor like the SparkFun ‎TEMT6000, which is an ambient light sensor. This device is very similar in that it ‎outputs an analog voltage that I'll have to read with the microcontroller. And finally, I ‎think it would be interesting to measure the temperature during the event. The cool ‎thing about the ESP32 feather board is that it has a footprint for a BME280 temperature ‎pressure and humidity sensor. They don't populate it to keep costs down. So, all I need ‎to do is order that part from DigiKey and populate it myself. With all of these ‎components, I'm able to capture the information that I need during the solar eclipse, but ‎I also need a way to store this data. The ESP32 microcontroller can communicate over ‎WiFi, so it's possible for me to stream this data from a web server on the microcontroller ‎to my phone, but I don't necessarily want to rely on that in this situation. Instead, I’ll use ‎an SD card and write all of the data to the card so that I have that as a backup.‎






So, to get started, I need to make a voltage divider circuit using the photoresistor that I ‎can read with the microcontroller. I'm also going to connect up the SparkFun ‎TEMT6000. Once I get that working, I can take the BME280, which is the temperature ‎pressure and humidity sensor, and solder that to the board. Here is the circuit diagram ‎for the photoresistor in the voltage divider. I basically need to put a photoresistor and a ‎regular resistor in series between 3.3V and ground. The photoresistor I’m using has a ‎range between 0 and 20k Ohms, so for the other half of the voltage divider, I decided to ‎use a 1k resistor. If I measure between the two resistors, I'll get a varying output voltage ‎that I can read using the ADC pin on my microcontroller. When it came time to connect ‎the light sensor to the microcontroller, I decided to chop the end off of a servo ‎extension cable. These cables are readily available and already have the three pins ‎that I need. I put a little dab of CA glue and I secured the connector in place. ‎










I wanted to create an enclosure for this project, so I went ahead and opened the CAD ‎file for one that I designed last year for a different project. What I like about this design ‎is that it has compliant button caps for each of the buttons. I just need to add a couple ‎of extra holes in the side for the light sensor as well as the SD card. The other thing I ‎like about this is that it has magnets built into the bottom so that it can attach to any ‎metal surface like a car or a fence or a pole. I can either plug the light sensor directly ‎into the side of the data logger, or I can use a servo extension cable to move the light ‎sensor further away.‎






It's time to write some Arduino code for the microcontroller. I'm going to start by defining ‎the pins that read the analog voltages coming in from the light sensor. Then I'll import ‎the library for the BME280, and I'll start looking at an example for that so that I know ‎how to use it and collect data. Now that I’m starting to collect data, I need to write that ‎data to the SD card. The cool thing about the SD card module that I'm using is that it ‎has a real-time clock on it. That means that I can put timestamps on every single ‎measurement, and I don't have to worry about losing the time during power cycling. In ‎order for the real-time clock to keep track of time, it needs a lithium coin cell battery. The ‎real-time clock library has a built-in function that allows me to adjust and set the time. ‎But when I followed the library example for setting the time, it used the compile time to ‎set the real-time clock. By the time this code was uploaded to the microcontroller, it was ‎already off by 30 or 40 seconds. Fortunately, I’m using an ESP32 Wi-Fi microcontroller, ‎so I decided to set the current time using an NTP server. Network time protocol is used ‎to synchronize computer clocks over a network. To set the time on my RTC I need to ‎include some libraries and define some variables to store the time. In the setup ‎function, I need to initialize the real-time clock. Then I write some code to connect to my ‎Wi-Fi network. If I am successful in connecting to my network, I can begin the NTP ‎client and ask it to update the time. The final step is to set the RTC based on the time ‎received from the NTP server. Now my microcontroller is synchronized to the universal ‎coordinated time, and the battery backup ensures my RTC will store this time for years ‎even when my project is not powered.‎

The ESP32 Reverse TFT board has three buttons built in, which is one of the reasons ‎why I really like this board. I set up three interrupt service routines, one for each button ‎and then I display different information depending on which button was pressed. I'm ‎hard coding the latitude and longitude values for the location where I'll be viewing the ‎eclipse. If you're going to build this yourself, you'll need to update these values for your ‎location. The code continuously captures data and averages the light values to help ‎smooth out any noise from the ADC. Then once every second the data is written to the ‎SD card in a comma-separated format. The code will create a new CSV file for every ‎new day. If a file already exists for the day, new data is appended to the existing CSV ‎file. ‎

Now it's time to test the solar eclipse data logger. Now, since I can't recreate a solar ‎eclipse here in my workshop, I did my best to approximate a point source of light, which ‎means I just turned off all the lights except for one of them. To help me test this out I ‎need to make a small moon out of cardboard. So, I've got the sun in the sky, the moon ‎in my hand, and the data logger on my workbench. I'm powering the data logger using ‎a USB cable and the DigiKey power bank. I can create a shadow using the moon, and ‎I'll pass the shadow slowly over the light sensor. As I do this, I can see the light value ‎decreasing quite a bit. The light values are being written to the SD card once a second. ‎As I continue to pass the shadow over and it passes on the other side, the light value ‎increases back to where it started.‎



Now we can pull the SD card out of the data logger and then plug it into the computer ‎to open up that CSV file to see all the data. This is the kind of stuff that gets me excited! ‎I love sensor data and I love spreadsheets! Now that I've got the SD card plugged into ‎my laptop and I've opened it, I can see several files. I've been testing this over the last ‎few days, so there are files for February 2nd, February 3rd, and February 4th, and then ‎one for today which is February 5th. So, I'm going to open that one and let's see what it ‎looks like. Look at all that data! That is so cool! The first column is latitude, then ‎longitude, then the timestamp in the coordinated universal time, then the light value, ‎then temperature in degrees Celsius. Now I want to copy and paste this into a ‎spreadsheet program. It looks like I need to format this and split the text into columns. ‎With the data more organized, now I can take the light values and graph them with ‎respect to time. This is so exciting! I can see on the graph the times when I had the ‎shadow of the moon in front of the light sensor and the values dip down and then they ‎come back up. It doesn't get any better than this. I don't know what to tell you!‎




If you're planning to go see the solar eclipse this year and you want to build one of ‎these data loggers, you're in luck. As with all of my projects, the design files for this are ‎open source and will be available for download via GitHub. You can download the ‎Arduino code as well as the 3D model for the enclosure. I hope you're as excited as I ‎am to watch the solar eclipse this year, and if you do, make sure that you're wearing ‎ISO-certified glasses to keep your eyes safe.‎

制造商零件编号 5345
Adafruit Industries LLC
制造商零件编号 2922
Adafruit Industries LLC
制造商零件编号 161
Adafruit Industries LLC
制造商零件编号 RC0805JR-071KL
RES 1K OHM 5% 1/8W 0805
制造商零件编号 BOB-08688
SparkFun Electronics
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