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Love by Layers: 3D Printing a Valentine's Rose

2025-02-13 | By Lulzbot

License: See Original Project 3D Printing

Courtesy of LulzBot

Guide by LulzBot

This Valentine's Day, we're sharing a unique and effective post-processing technique for ‎crafting a Valentine's Rose, hoping to inspire you to create your own DIY heat-formed gift.‎


The thinness of the petals allows for easy manipulation, yielding an organic-looking flower ‎through the heat forming process. Quick action is needed as the petals begin to "wilt," but ‎minor adjustments can be made with additional heat. We suggest printing extra petals for ‎your initial attempt to accommodate any losses during experimentation with temperatures ‎and techniques.‎

Check out this short video and see below for more information.‎



‎‎1. Print the Flower Parts: Download the files linked at the bottom of the article. We ‎used Taulman T-Glase filament for transparency with a 0.3mm layer height, although ‎standard PLA is also suitable.‎‎

2. Gather Materials and Tools: You'll need the 3D printed flower parts, a strand of ‎‎2.85mm filament, gloves, a heat gun (or a hairdryer), tweezers, superglue (as needed), ‎and clear coat spray (optional).‎


3. Assemble the Core: Attach the 3D printed bead to one end of the filament strand ‎using a small amount of superglue.‎‎

‎4. Shape the Petals:‎

‎-Start with the smallest petal.‎
‎-Use tweezers to hold it and apply heat until it begins to deform.‎
‎-While still hot, place it on the filament strand, wrapping it around the bead, ‎ensuring the petals slightly overlap.‎
‎-If the petal cools too quickly, gently reheat to adjust. Avoid overheating the filament ‎strand.‎

5. Repeat for Remaining Petals: ‎

‎-Continue the heating and forming process for each petal. Use caution to avoid ‎burns.‎
‎-Place medium-sized petals without completely covering the center, leaving them ‎slightly open.‎
‎-Add large petals last. If possible, invert the flower on a table to help keep these ‎petals open and shape their edges.‎

6. Customize Your Flower: Add more petals as desired for larger flowers. A suggested ‎starting point is 3 small, 6 medium, and 5 large petals.‎

‎‎‎7. Final Touches:‎

‎-Use the heat to slightly adjust and secure overlapping petals. Tip: For added ‎stability, stretch the hot petals over the previously placed ones.‎
‎-Apply clear coat spray for a glossy finish, if desired. ‎

Congratulations! You've crafted your own Valentine's Rose. Enjoy your unique, handmade ‎flower!‎

Tool Head Used : Meteor

Filament Used : Taulman T-Glase Filament, 2.85mm

STL File - Free Download : Valentine's Rose

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