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Collect and Export Data From Bluetooth Devices

2020-11-27 | By Sheikh Shuhad

License: General Public License

For this project, I am using Bluetooth Low Energy USB dongle called BlueIO, which will act as a central device to retrieve data. Hibou Air Quality Monitor which will serve as a peripheral device to transmit the data. The script is simple to use and can be used for other purposes such as store the data into database or cloud.

Things we need:

Before we start

The article assumes you have some general knowledge of how Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) work. Since the Chrome Serial specification on Google Chrome is not finalized yet, you will have to go to enable the highlighted flag, and restart Chrome.

open chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features in chrome browser.

In this example, we are going to use JavaScript + html (and some CSS for styling) to setup the BleuIO and quickly start scanning.


  • Clone the git repository .git clone
  • Connect the Bleuio dongle to your computer.
  • Open index.html file
  • Click connect and wait for the device to load on your com port.
  • Select your com port.
  • Scan for BLE devices. (this script only scan for Hibou Devices . You can change the manufacturer value at script.js file)
  • Select device and start getting data. You will get real time value on the screen.
  • Once you click on stop getting data. you will see all the data showing on a table between the time period. You can view data or export in csv.

Watch this video for better understanding


制造商零件编号 SSD005/4-V2W
Smart Sensor Devices
制造商零件编号 SSD005/4-V2B
Smart Sensor Devices
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