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Build a Programmable +3.3Volt Compliant Logic Probe

2023-03-28 | By Don Wilcher

License: See Original Project ESP8266 Raspberry Pi MCU

Digital circuits are used in electronic devices to show high or low operating states. Other ways ‎of describing digital circuit operating states include “true” or “false” and binary 1 or 0. A Truth ‎Table (TT) is a graphical tool used to test the electrical operation of digital circuits by showing ‎input data and observing their output states. A TT aids makers in building digital circuits by ‎allowing them to inject test data in the device’s input pins and observe the output states using a ‎logic probe.‎‎ ‎


A Truth Table for a common digital logic gate.‎

A logic probe is an electronic tester that displays a digital circuit's input and output signals ‎using visual indicators. LEDs are commonly used to show the binary data of a digital circuit. ‎Binary data consists of a logic “1” representing a high state or event and a “0” representing a ‎low state or event. Typical colors used to represent high or low digital data are green or red. A ‎green LED indicates a high binary state or event, while red means the opposite digital value. ‎Some logic probe variations may consist of a seven-segment display capable of displaying the ‎letters H or L for high or low binary data.‎‎ ‎ ‎

logic_2‎ ‎

A logic probe with H or L visual indicator display.‎


Figure 3. A logic probe with an LED binary visual indicator display.‎

In this project, we will build a programmable logic probe that is +3.3V compliant. We’ll use a ‎RoundyFi LCD module as a programmable logic probe. The RoundyFi LCD uses an ESP-12E ‎module with +3.3V compliant General-Purpose Input-Output (GPIO) pins. ‎

With an input-output requirement, the programmable logic probe is a great electronic tester ‎for +3.3V compliant microcontrollers like the Raspberry Pi Pico, the Espressif ESP32 and ‎ESP8266 chips, the Raspberry Pi family of single board computers (SBC), and +3.3V digital logic ‎integrated circuits (ICs). The convenience of using the RoundyFi is the graphics capabilities of ‎the LCD, thus customizing the visual binary state of the device under test (DUT) quite easily.‎

The Programmable +3.3V Compliant Logic Probe: The Design Concept

The design of a programmable +3.3V compliant logic probe consists of using the RoundyFi ‎module as a binary tester that can display the logic state or event of a digital circuit or ‎microcontroller. A logic state aligns with a digital circuit’s output signal, whereas an event is ‎associated with a triggered input activity. The RoundyFi’s LCD can easily be changed using C++ ‎or MicroPython code to provide unique, aesthetically appealing binary states. The ESP-12E ‎module allows such aesthetics to be visualized quite easily. The below image shows the concept ‎of the programmable +3.3V logic probe.‎


Programmable +3.3V Compliant Logic Probe.

As shown above, the DUT is represented by a Raspberry Pi Pico W. The W means wireless since ‎the Raspberry Pi Pico W has WiFi and Bluetooth. The Raspberry Pi Pico W uses the RP2040 ‎microcontroller with GPIO pins that are +3.3V compliant. Due to their voltage-compliant ‎requirements, such a DUT will not damage the RoundyFi’s GPIO pins. With the Raspberry Pi Pico ‎W, various digital switching patterns can be programmed, testing the binary detection and ‎transition level capabilities of the RoundyFi as a logic probe.‎

Wiring the Programmable Logic Probe Prototype

The construction of the logic probe is relatively simple. Place the electronic components on a ‎solderless breadboard and make the appropriate electrical wiring connections accordingly. You ‎can find a circuit schematic diagram and Bill of Materials (BOM) below:‎ 


Once you have the components, you can place them on the solderless breadboard. Wire the ‎electronic components together using five jumper wires. See the images below for the ‎placement and wiring of the electronic components on the solderless breadboard. ‎

Note that you will need to solder male header pins to the Raspberry Pi Pico W.‎


Electrical wiring diagram for the Programmable +3.3V Logic Probe Prototype.


The Programmable +3.3V Logic Probe electronic circuit schematic diagram.


The final hardware build of the Programmable +3.3V Compliant Logic Probe.

Only five wiring connections are required to complete the hardware build phase of this project. ‎Now that we’re done with the hardware, the next step in the project is to add the MicroPython ‎firmware to the Raspberry Pi Pico W!‎

Adding the MicroPython firmware to the Raspberry Pi Pico W

The Raspberry Pi Pico W is traditionally delivered without MicroPython firmware installed. You ‎will need to add this firmware to the RP2040 microcontroller. The first step is to go to ‎Raspberry Pi’s microcontroller website (which you can access here). You will see the family of ‎Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller development boards, as shown below.‎


The Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller development boards website.

Scroll down on the left side of the page and stop at MicroPython. Click MicroPython to expand ‎the option. ‎


The MicroPython name is selected.‎

Select What is MicroPython? and you will be sent to the page below.‎


The What is MicroPython webpage.‎

Scroll down until you see the MicroPython UF2 firmware file.‎


The Raspberry Pi Pico W MicroPython UF2 firmware file.‎

Next, select the Raspberry Pi Pico W MicroPython UF2 file.‎


Selecting the Raspberry Pi Pico W MicroPython UF2 firmware.‎

With the MicroPython UF2 file selected and downloaded to your computer, you may proceed ‎with the installation of the firmware onto the Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller development ‎board. The directions to complete the installation are on the same web page under the UF2 ‎file. ‎

Follow the directions carefully to complete the installation of MicroPython onto the Raspberry ‎Pi Pico W board. The final step to building the Programmable +3.3V Compliant Logic Probe ‎project is the coding software for the Raspberry Pi Pico W board and the RoundyFi LCD Module.‎

Coding Software

The construction of the coding software scheme is based on a distributive controller method, ‎where each embedded controller’s software is independent of the connected unit. This coding ‎software alleviates unnecessary resources to perform several processing activities concurrently ‎on one microcontroller. The distributive controller coding software method is illustrated here:‎


A distributive controller coding software method for the Programmable +3.3V Compliant Logic ‎Probe.‎

The Blink code is implemented using the Raspberry Pi Pico W as the digital DUT simulator. The ‎Blink code will provide a consistent switching binary signal, alternating between logic HIGH and ‎LOW levels. The Raspberry Pi Pico GP1 output voltage levels will alternate between +3.3V and ‎‎0V. Upon detecting the binary level alternations, the RoundyFi will display HIGH and LOW ‎messages on its LCD. ‎

You may use the Thonny IDE to code in MicroPython for the Raspberry Pi Pico W board. Thonny ‎IDE is a simple software package found here. Thonny allows the MicroPython Blink code to be ‎run using the Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) feature or installed on the RP2040 microcontroller’s ‎memory. ‎

Since this is a prototype digital tester, executing the MicroPython using REPL is appropriate. ‎Attach the Raspberry Pi Pico W board to your PC’s USB port. At the lower right corner of the ‎Thonny IDE, you should see the Raspberry Pi Pico W board connected to the appropriate USB ‎communication (COM) port.‎

MicroPython Blink Code:‎

Copy Code
import machine
import utime
LogicProbe = machine.Pin(1, machine.Pin.OUT)
while True:

Note: Although the Blink code is named main.py, REPL may be used to test the code.‎

If you are unfamiliar with Thonny, the website has a demo video and instructions for ‎downloading and installing the IDE onto your computer. With the Blink code installed on the ‎Pico W, you can program the RoundyFi Logic probe using the Arduino IDE.‎

The RoundyFi Logic probe software is configured using the Arduino IDE. You may reference the ‎tutorial on How to Program the RoundyFi LCD to Display Messages; set up the Arduino IDE to ‎program the ESP-12E module with the Logic Probe code. The listing for the RoundyFi Logic ‎Probe is shown next.‎‎

Copy Code
/* Providing a switching binary logic signal to SCL (GPIO pin 5) will allow High and Low to be displayed on
 a RoundyFi LCD accordingly 
 by Dr. Don Wilcher 1/28/2023

/* Back End GFX resources for initializing the RoundyFi LCD*/

#include <Arduino_GFX_Library.h>

#define GFX_BL DF_GFX_BL /*default backlight pin, you may replace DF_GFX_BL to actual backlight pin*/

#if defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT)
Arduino_GFX *gfx = create_default_Arduino_GFX();
#else /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */
Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_ESP8266SPI(2 /* DC */, 15 /* CS */);
Arduino_GFX *gfx = new Arduino_GC9A01(bus, 16 /* RST */, 0 /* rotation */, true /* IPS */);

#endif /* !defined(DISPLAY_DEV_KIT) */
 * End of Arduino_GFX setting

/* Defining and initializing input variables*/

 const int Probe_Signal = 5;
 int Probe_Signal_status = 0;

/* Setup of LCD attributes and input device*/

void setup(void)
 pinMode(Probe_Signal, INPUT);

#ifdef TFT_BL
 pinMode(TFT_BL, OUTPUT);
 digitalWrite(TFT_BL, HIGH);

void loop(){

Probe_Signal_status = digitalRead(Probe_Signal); // reading Digital Logic Level status

if (Probe_Signal_status == HIGH) { // if a High (+3.3V) logic level is present, display HIGH Message on RoundyFi LCD
 gfx->fillScreen(BLACK); // prevents combined messages from displaying on RoundyFi LCD
 gfx->setCursor(85, 100);


 gfx->setCursor(85, 100);
 gfx->println("LOW"); // display LOW Message on RoundyFi LCD

With the logic probe code typed into the Arduino IDE, attach the RoundyFi LCD module to your ‎computer. Select the NodeMCU 1.0 ESP-12E module and upload the code.‎


NodeMCU 1.0 ESP-12E board and COM port selected.‎

You should see the LOW text message on the LCD. Run the MicroPython Blink code on the ‎Raspberry Pi Pico W board. The LCD should toggle between binary text messages HIGH and ‎LOW. Here is a reference video that shows the full operation of the prototype logic probe. ‎

There’s lots more you can do here, now that the basic project is complete: consider changing ‎the LCD messages to reflect other ways to convey the binary data. You can also adjust the ‎Raspberry Pi Pico W's blink rate and observe the RoundyFi LCD's response. But, most of all - ‎make sure to congratulate yourself on a project well done!

制造商零件编号 LCD-19897
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 SC0918
Raspberry Pi
制造商零件编号 MFP-25BRD52-10K
RES 10K OHM 0.1% 1/4W AXIAL
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