B&K Precision 的任意/函数波形发生器是双通道发生器,包括 30 MHz (4078C) 和 50 MHz (4079C) 两种型号。
B&K Precision 的 9240 系列直流电源可在额定电压和电流限制内的任何伏/安组合下提供高达 200 W 的清洁输出功率。
B&K Precision educational rebate program eligibility form.
B&K Precision 的 9140 系列三路输出多量程 DC 源具有多路输出以及先进且易于使用的列表模式编程和数据记录功能。
Educational institutions can qualify for a 10% promotional discount in addition to the everyday value already being offered by B&K Precision.
This document is intended to help your transition from GPIB to an alternative interface.
. Today’s data recorders feature fast sampling rates, large internal memory, touch displays, and a wide range of input capabilities.
B&K Precision's power supply selection guide for 2023.
This presentation provides an overview of the 603B Battery capacity analyzer. The 603B analyzer is designed to evaluate batteries used in the alarms and controls industry.
These DC electronic loads can operate in constant current (CC), constant voltage (CV), constant resistance (CR), and constant power (CW) mode. Provides flexible triggering capabilities with analog current control and monitoring.
The DAS220-BAT and DAS240-BAT measures parameters commonly found in process applications including voltage, temperature, current, resistance, frequency and pulse.