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SSA2, modified and improved SSA Analog Smart Shunt
SSA2, modified and improved SSA Analog Smart Shunt
Riedon™ products by Bourns Digital Smart Shunt SSD
Riedon™ products by Bourns Digital Smart Shunt SSD
Breaking Resistors Applications
Breaking Resistors Applications

近期 PTM

5 minutes
High Current Fuse Holders
This presentation will provide a basic understanding of High Current Fuses and Fuse Holders, where they are used, and Riedon’s available offerings.
10 minutes
Ammeter Shunts
This presentation will provide a better understanding of Ammeter Shunts and Riedon's available offerings.
5 minutes
Non-Inductive Thin Film Power Resistors
Able to be manufactured in any resistance value and provide excellent thermal efficiency and large power handling all within a small package.
10 minutes
LED Lighting and Resistor
Review LED operation and biasing requirements. The correct method of LED application considerations for selection are also discussed.
5 minutes
Wirewound Resistor Technology
Wirewound resistors are often the best choice when accuracy, power, and reliability are critical in an applications.
5 minutes
Power Resistor Heatsinks
Heatsink considerations for Riedon power resistor products, the concepts and methods used to determine heat sink requirements.

关于 Riedon

Riedon 45 年来一直是精密功率电阻器设计和制造领域的全球垂直集成领导者。Riedon 拥有最新的绕线、薄膜和厚膜以及铝箔技术,能为电阻器行业提供最广泛的产品。

Riedon 的技术支持团队、客户服务中心和制造运营总部位于美国洛杉矶,在墨西哥特卡特拥有制造厂。此外,公司还在中国上海设支持中心,为亚洲市场提供支持。Riedon 定位清晰,目标是服务全球客户。Riedon 拥有 70 多个独特的电阻器系列,能够以业内最佳的提前期提供定制设计产品。公司产品的应用领域包括白色家电、汽车、电源、电信、工业、医疗、航空航天和军事。