This slide illustrates the runtime API of the SYS/BIOS Task module and most importantly, how to create a task during runtime. Take the code snippets shown here, three different variables have been created. The first two are types defined by the Task module itself, the first being a structure that holds all of the various task parameters. The second variable is used to store the handle of the task that will be created. By calling Task_Params_init(), the params structure can be filled with all of the default parameter values. The parameters can be easily updated with different values (in this case the priority and stack size of the task), while not worrying about the others. An error block variable is also being set up so that if the create failed, the designer can find out more information on why it failed. Finally, Task_create() is called which will instantiate the task instance and return back the handle to the new task. Also on this slide is a summary of the other API calls used to control a task.