As SYS/BIOS is explained the term RTSC is used in the product. RTSC stands for “Real Time Software Components”. This is an open source project that was started by Texas Instruments and is now in the Eclipse open source community. RTSC is a way to provide reusable software components for embedded systems. RTSC standardizes how components are named, how they are versioned, how they are organized into repositories, how they are built, configured and so on. There are several reasons why RTSC is useful to SYS/BIOS. The first is that the SYS/BIOS product is delivered as a set of modules that are made up of RTSC packages. This influences their look and feel and so the designer needs to understand a bit about what this means. The second reason is that RTSC provides components that SYS/BIOS, and the developer can and will leverage. The third is that configuration is an important part of BIOS, and RTSC is provides the tooling to do that. Because RTSC is an Eclipse technology distinct from BIOS, it has its own sources of information. The best source is the online RTSC-pedia which is at the URL shown here.