Today’s electronic designs are smaller in size and deliver more power, which requires that they run at higher temperatures. In order to maintain long life and high reliability, they must be able to dissipate that heat efficiently. Fans, vents, and other cooling devices take up valuable design space and require additional power to operate. Moulded plastics are used in place of metal enclosures due to cost control and weight savings. In most cases, these plastics are not as effective at transferring heat away from its source. Thermally conductive potting compounds are an effective way to control heat build-up in an electronic assembly. Thermally conductive potting compounds provide an efficient pathway for heat to travel uniformly away from a heat-generating source to a metal enclosure or to air. Additional benefits from the use of these products are: outstanding electrical insulation, better thermal shock resistance, lower shrinkage and thermal expansion, and more security and protection of intellectual property.