This module will start with the initialization code generator tool running on a PC. This free tool, called STM32CubeMX, is an extension of so called MicroXplorer. It goes far beyond, and proposes a step-by-step approach to configure a microcontroller. First, the application allows the user to pick a microcontroller inside the large STM32 portfolio, with enhanced filtering capabilities. Once the microcontroller has been chosen the user is able to configure it, through some powerful wizards, like: The pinout wizard solving conflicts, and helping the user to clearly identify how the package pins will be used. The clock tree wizard, proposing a clear interface for selecting the good compromises in term of used internal frequencies. Many peripherals and middleware wizard, allowing the user to clearly set all the parameters, from simple I2C cell configuration, and up to USB stack settings. The Power consumption wizard, with which the user will check if his/her application can fit some power consumption scenarios. Once the user is happy with his/her configuration, one can generate code based on those choices. Even better, some project files for the users favorite IDE are even created, thus making it ready to be appended user code within the development environment.