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Here is a more detailed slide showing how these parts are capable of improving the application noise performance. In the upper left corner is a typical Frequency vs. Noise graph. The two areas where noise is generated from is flicker noise and thermal noise. Here, one will typically see noise in the lower frequency region that forms the shape of a triangle and reduces to 0 as frequency increases. This noise is called Flicker Noise or pink noise and occurs due to electron scattering from impurities contained within the semiconductor material. The bottom rectangle of the graph that extends across the full frequency range is called Thermal Noise or White Noise and occurs due to the resistive components within the OpAmp. ROHM was able to reduce the flicker noise by improving process control at the wafer level allowing the engineer to improve the movement speed of the electrons within the semiconductor substrates. ROHM was also able to reduce the Thermal noise of the products by adjusting the circuit configurations, reducing transistor sizes, and lowering overall device resistance.
PTM Published on: 2019-01-23