This chart outlines the essential differences between the debug tools. On the basis of cost The Burn and Learn method and simulator are free. The Oscilloscope is shown as medium cost, though it could run very high depending upon features. Although its cost may not be a factor since it is a common piece of test equipment found in most labs. The logic Analyzer and ICE are high cost, typically $1000 and up. Breakpoints are compared in the third column. Only simulation, ICE and ICD allow breakpoints. Breakpoints are needed when interrogation registers, checking CPU status and stepping through code. Some applications, such as registers, checking CPU status and stepping through code. Some applications, such as motor control, may not allow for halting at a breakpoint. In these cases, capturing the program flow and register reads and writes in the trace buffer may be a good alternative. The Logic Analyzer or ICE trace buffer can be used to follow register reads and writes, allowing the engineer to monitor the values in registers and variables at select positions in the trace.