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The AT30TS750A contains eight registers that are used to control the operational mode and performance of the temperature sensor, store the user-defined high and low temperature limits, and store the digitized temperature measurements. All accesses to the device are performed using these eight registers. The device also incorporates both volatile and nonvolatile versions of the configuration register, the T-LOW limit register, and the T-HIGH limit register. As seen in the figure above, the configuration register and high- and low-temperature limit registers have integrated nonvolatile register versions of each. The nonvolatile registers would improve the temperature sensor’s functionality by enabling simple “plug-and-play” operation with pre-defined power-up defaults. The nonvolatile registers will retain the configuration and temperature limit settings even after the device is power-cycled, thereby eliminating the need for the temperature sensor to be reconfigured after each power-up operation. The configuration register, despite being 16-bits wide, is compatible to industry standard LM75-type temperature sensors that use an 8-bit wide register in that only the first 8-bits of the configuration register need to be written to or read from.
PTM Published on: 2017-08-31