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The CIPs also enable product differentiation through offering enhancement, while minimizing the cost. For instance, in the case of improving the load bearing capability of drones, one of the needs is a high rotation per minute (RPM) motor. The high RPM motor control typically demands an MCU with higher processing power and advanced analog features like high sampling rate and multi-channel ADC. However, the presence of CIP like High-Speed Comparators (HS Comparator) with blanking and filtering functions together with precision voltage reference modules in PIC MCUs and dsPIC DSCs eliminates the need to migrate to an advanced, more costly MCU. The peripheral combination acts as a threshold signal monitor and supervises the motor parameters efficiently. Since the HS Comparator has no lower sampling rate limitation of the normal ADC, it eliminates the need for high-speed ADC in the MCU.
PTM Published on: 2017-07-05