A discussion of international regulations is beyond the scope of this presentation, but there are some quick points on this slide. The regulations for Canada and Brazil are almost identical to the United States for these bands. They vary in minor details, but for the most part what is legal in the United States is legal in Canada and Brazil. Operation at 433.92MHz is legal in most countries thanks to the huge numbers of car keyfobs in circulation. The most notable exceptions to this are Japan, China, and India who have slightly different frequencies for these applications. The 900MHz band is illegal in Europe; the comparable band there is 862-870MHz, often marketed as 868MHz. Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand use parts of the 900MHz band, but has gaps or restrictions on portions of it. Thanks to efforts by organizations to harmonize global radio standards, the 2.4GHz band is globally accepted. This allows manufacturers to make one product and sell it worldwide. This is why products like WiFi have flocked to this band.