Performance is the key to any connector. The next three slides will illustrate the signal performance of the MS-162B. Two components need to be examined to determine the performance; insertion loss and VSWR (voltage standing wave ratio). Insertion loss is the amount of signal energy remaining at the end of the run. The closer the insertion loss is to 0, the better. The VSWR measures how much of the signal gets reflected back. The closer the VSWR is to 1, the better. This slide shows the performance of the switch in the unmated condition, passing a signal from one trace on the PCB, through the MS-162B receptacle and back onto the PCB. As can be seen, there is an extremely low loss of -0.15dB and VSWR of no more than 1.2 at a frequency of 2 GHz. Even at 10 GHz, the VSWR is no more than 1.7 and the insertion loss is no more than -0.7 dB.