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In order to deliver content to displays and create a unique experience for users, Monster Media needed a connectivity solution that’s quick to deploy and scalable. In addition to quick and easy, the connection must be reliable and secure. After consulting with Digi, it was determined that the connection could be achieved in a few different ways. First, systems could utilize an existing Wi-Fi connection. While this seems like an easy, cost effective solution, there are a number of issues. First, there’s quality of service. Internet connections simply aren’t reliable—systems get overloaded, disconnected and there are frequent timeouts and drops. Additionally, with all Wifi connections, security becomes an issue as well. The next seemingly obvious option is a wired WAN, or a landline. This is not a cost effective or scalable solution. Costs add up to hundreds of dollars a month, and the system can take weeks, if not months, to install. Lastly, satellite could be used. The issue here is finding a convenient place to install a dish. Add a few weeks of installation time after finding a suitable location for placement, and the solution becomes a drawn out, archaic process. So, what is the easiest, most scalable and cost effective—and modern—solution?

PTM Published on: 2015-07-28