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Even if the design is solid and the BOM components are properly chosen from credible suppliers, the supply must be designed so that it can be assembled without compromising either the design or components. This means use of supports and brackets where needed, as many supply components are relatively large and heavy in contrast to more-common ICs, for example. Even the basic soldering processes used in supply construction are an area for consideration. The common reflow-soldering temperature profiles are well established and understood for traditional lead-based solders. However, the regulatory mandate for lead-free components and solder also means that a somewhat different reflow soldering profile is needed. The Pb-free process requires a higher peak temperature to ensure proper solder flow, wicking, and a reliable connection. Therefore, all components used must also be qualified to perform to specification based on the higher reflow temperature and soak time.

PTM Published on: 2014-01-22