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DiffAmpCalc Overview Slide 10

The input voltages are specified as an AC voltage with a peak-to-peak value superimposed on a DC offset. Click on the box, shown on this slide, and enter the value or click on the arrow on either side of the box to increase or decrease the voltages in 100 mV increments. Node voltages, noise and distortion are automatically recalculated, and oscilloscope displays are redrawn automatically to reflect changes. When input tracking is enabled it forces the inverting input DC offset and, in differential mode, the inverting AC input voltage to be equal to that of the non-inverting input. This is useful for forcing balanced inputs. Auto offset automatically adjusts input offset voltages and Vocm to the center of the available diff-amp input and output voltage ranges. This feature is useful for forcing maximum input and output dynamic ranges.

PTM Published on: 2012-06-08