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As shown on this slide, the performance graphs on the Aavid Thermalloy website are actually a composite of two separate graphs which have been combined. The small arrows on each curve indicate to which axis the curve corresponds. Thermal graphs are published assuming the device to be cooled is properly mounted and the heat sink is in its recommended mounting position. Graph A is used to show heat sink performance when used in a natural convection environment (without forced air). This graph starts in the lower left hand corner with the horizontal axis representing the heat dissipation (watts) and the vertical left hand axis representing the rise in heat sink mounting surface temperature above ambient (°C). By knowing the power to be dissipated, the temperature rise of the mounting surface can be predicted. Thermal resistance in natural convection is determined by dividing this temperature rise by the power input (°C/W). Graph B is used to show heat sink performance when used in a forced convection environment (with forced air flow through the heat sink). This graph has its origin in the top right hand corner with the horizontal axis representing air velocity over the heat sink, in linear feet per minute (LFM), and the vertical axis representing the thermal resistance of the heat sink (°C/W). Air velocity is calculated by dividing the output volumetric flow rate of the fan by the cross-sectional area of the outflow air passage.

PTM Published on: 2012-08-17