所订产品一般在 7-10个工作日 内送达中国,具体时间取决于收货地点。
最低订购金额为人民币 300 元,顺丰快递免运费配送。
当用人民币下单时,按照国际贸易条款 DDP(DigiKey 支付关税、海关费用和当地税款)方式结算。
下单后,从合作伙伴发货平均需要时间 1-3 天,也可能产生额外运费。可能另外收取运费。 实际发货时间请留意产品详情页、购物车和结账页面上的说明。
国际贸易结算方式:CPT(交货时支付关税、海关费用和适用 VAT/应付税金)
Visit DigiKey at Maker Faire Rome from October 25-27 for exciting demos of Adafruit, Kitronik, Arduino kits, and custom games. Don’t miss out!
A whole generation of programmers have now grown up with the web, where JavaScript is the de facto language for creating dynamic user interfaces and managing databases.
Using an Internet cloud storage to connect your IoT project controller to a larger amount of storage memory.
The BBC Micro:Bit is a tiny programmable computer, designed to make learning and teaching easy and fun!
Are you looking for inexpensive gifts that will challenge and engage the recipients mind? This year DigiKey has put together a list of a few products that will do just that.
If you’re reading this maybe you’re interested in building your very first robot and being able to program that robot. The MOVE: for the Microbit microcontroller may just be the answer to all of your problems.
The micro:bit is a small microcontroller designed to make microcontroller projects easy and entertaining. In this how-to article, we will look at getting a micro:bit running on MakeCode, a programming platform for the micro:bit.
My 8-year-old daughter was tasked by her 3rd grade teacher to build a Valentines box. She searched the web and picked a unicorn box and wanted scrolling eyes. So I thought about the Micro:Bit.
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