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CircuitPython LED Animations

By Adafruit Industries

Learn how to create beautiful animated display on RGB LEDs, like NeoPixels and DotStars, using the Adafruit CircuitPython LED Animations helper library.


Adafruit NeoPixel Überguide

By Adafruit Industries

Everything you always wanted to know about Adafruit NeoPixels but were afraid to ask.


How to Fire NeoPixels on the micro:bit

By Staff

The micro:bit has a simple 5 x 5 red LED matrix that can be used to display a wide range of different things including text, symbols, and animations. In this how-to article we will learn how to connect Adafruit NeoPixels to the micro:bit.


CircuitPython Hardware LED Backpacks and FeatherWings

By Adafruit Industries

How to use LED Backpacks and FeatherWings with CircuitPython!