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OpenLog Artemis Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The SparkFun OpenLog Artemis (OLA) is a versatile, open source data logger that comes preprogrammed to automatically log a wide variety of data from a large number of sensors. And here’s the best bit You can do all of this without writing a single line of code!


SparkFun Photodetector (MAX30101) Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The SparkFun Photodetector - MAX30101 (Qwiic) is the successor to the MAX30105 particle sensor, a highly sensitive optical sensor. This tutorial will get you up and running to retrieve the raw data from the MAX30101 sensor.


SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Monitor Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

We've combined them and written an Arduino Library with example code demonstrating basic to advanced features to help get you started utilizing the SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Monitor into your next project.