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Qwiic LED Stick-APA102C Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The SparkFun Qwiic LED Stick - APA102C simplifies adding addressable LED control to any I2C project using the SparkFun Qwiic System.


SparkFun Photodetector (MAX30101) Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The SparkFun Photodetector - MAX30101 (Qwiic) is the successor to the MAX30105 particle sensor, a highly sensitive optical sensor. This tutorial will get you up and running to retrieve the raw data from the MAX30101 sensor.


Qwiic pHAT for Raspberry Pi Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

This Qwiic pHAT for Raspberry Pi is based on the Qwiic Hat. The board adds the quickest and easiest way to utilize SparkFun's Qwiic ecosystem while still using that Raspberry Pi that you've come to know and love.


Qwiic UV Sensor (VEML6075) Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The VEML6075 is SparkFun’s latest UV sensing solution.


Qwiic Magnetometer (MLX90393) Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The MLX90393 is a tri-axial magnetic sensor capable of sensing very small fields while behaving as one would want and expect during saturation in larger fields.


CCS811/BME280 (Qwiic) Environmental Combo Breakout Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The CCS811/BME280 (Qwiic) Environmental Combo Breakout work together to take care of all of your atmospheric quality sensing needs with the CCS811 and BME280 ICs.