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SparkFun expLoRaBLE Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The SparkFun LoRa Thing Plus – expLoRaBLE is a feather form-factor development board with the NM180100 system in package (SiP).


Tsunami Super WAV Trigger Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

The Tsunami Super WAV Trigger (Qwiic) is a polyphonic WAV file player that was developed in collaboration with Robertsonics (a portion of each sale goes back to them for product support and development).


Spectrum Shield Hookup Guide (v2)

By SparkFun Electronics

Have you ever wanted to have your project react to music? The Spectrum Shield allows your Arduino board to measure a stereo audio input across 7 frequency bands


Thumb Joystick Hookup Guide

By SparkFun Electronics

Heads up! This tutorial is for the thumb joystick breakout board and shield.


Behold the Yack-O-Lantern!

By SparkFun Electronics

With just a handful of parts and a couple of hours of work, you can easily repulse all of your co-workers at this year's office Halloween party!