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CLUE Metal Detector in CircuitPython

By Adafruit Industries

Metal detecting with a CLUE or Circuit Playground Bluefruit in CircuitPython.


Build an Ultrasonic Intruder Alarm with LED Indicator

By Staff

Learn how to build an Ultrasonic Intruder Alarm using an Arduino Uno and a few off-the-shelf electronic components.


Detect Obstacles with an Arduino using an IR Sensor and LED

By Staff

Using an Arduino, IR LED, and a matching sensor, we are able to detect objects by pulsing the LED, and reading the sensor's response.


Inertial Handwriting Recognition using Arduino Sense

By Beryl Sui

In this project, my friend and I assembled a "virtual pen" with Arduino 33 BLE Sense that determines which digit the user is writing based on the motion they make holding the pen, without the use of a camera.


How to interface an IMU with an ESP8266

By Staff

Learn how to use a BNO085 breakout board with an ESP8266 to read movement and orientation data using the Arduino IDE.


How to Interface Ultrasonic Sensors with an ESP8266

By Staff

This article serves as an introduction to ultrasonic sensors and explains how you can get them up and running in no time using an ESP8266 development board.


How to Build an Arduino-Based Learning Universal Remote Part 2 Software

By Staff

Learn how to program an intelligent learning custom IR remote control that can control any electronic device that comes with an IR remote control.


How to Build an Arduino-Based Learning Universal Remote Part 1 Hardware

By Staff

Learn how to construct an intelligent learning custom IR remote control that can control any electronic device that comes with an IR remote control.


Make a Pi Trash Classifier with Machine Learning and Lobe

By Adafruit Industries

In this project, we train a Machine Learning model on a Raspberry Pi to identify whether an object goes in the garbage, recycling, compost, or hazardous waste


Using micro:bit and CRICKIT with MicroPython

By Adafruit Industries

Control your micro:bit attached to an Adafruit CRICKIT board in MicroPython.


DIY ESP8266 Home Security with Lua and MQTT Protect your home with MQT

By Adafruit Industries

The goal of the home security system is to detect doors or windows opening.


CircuitPython Hardware Charlieplex LED Matrix

By Adafruit Industries

How to use Charlieplex LED matrices with CircuitPython!