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How to Crack a Safe's Combination ‎with a Robotic Auto Dialer - Part 2

By Zach Hipps

In part 2 of creating a safe-cracking robot, I refine the control ‎hardware, mounting of the device, and the algorithm used to brute-‎force the combination.


How to Crack a Safe's Combination with a Robotic Auto Dialer - Part 1

By Zach Hipps

I'm not a locksmith, but I am good at engineering, problem-solving, and building things, so I'm going to try to build a robot that can crack a combination safe.


How to Install Adafruit IO WipperSnapper Firmware

By Staff

WipperSnapper offers makers an advanced way to manage their connected devices, allowing configuring physical components without writing a single line of code.


How to Use Wired Communication with an ESP8266

By Staff

This article explores the most important wired communication methods and discusses how we can employ each of them in any of their ESP8266 based projects.


Python on Hardware

By Staff

A whole generation of programmers have now grown up with the web, where JavaScript is the de facto language for creating dynamic user interfaces and managing databases.


IoT Motion/Temperature Logger with the Analog Devices ADXL343 + ADT7410

By Adafruit Industries

Upgrade any Feather board with motion and precision temperature sensing and logging with the Adafruit Sensor Featherwing, the Arduino IDE, and Adafruit IO.



By Adafruit Industries

Build a physical mailbox for your emails using Adafruit IO and IFTTT.


Use an Arduino IDE to Breadboard and Program an ESP

By All About Circuits

The ESP8266 is a popular microcontroller used by both professional designers and hobbyists.