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Hacksmith Ironman Helmet for the Maker World

By Kevin Walseth

This project will walk you through the steps of taking an Ironman helmet and making it useful.


MicroPython Displays Drawing Shapes

By Adafruit Industries

Tutorial on how to draw shapes and graphics on your display like a bright TFT LCD, Charlieplex LED or NeoPixel matrix powered by MicroPython.


CircuitPython Hardware LED Backpacks and FeatherWings

By Adafruit Industries

How to use LED Backpacks and FeatherWings with CircuitPython!


CircuitPython Hardware ILI9341 TFT & FeatherWing

By Adafruit Industries

This module allows you to do basic drawing like putting pixels and filling rectangles on TFT displays like the TFT FeatherWing.