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Crawler Mechanism

By Jorvon Moss

Craft your very own spider-like robot with this DIY Klann mechanism. ‎Explore 3D printing, assemble gears, and bring your crawling mechanism ‎to life.


Star Wars Scomp Link USB Port

By Zach Hipps

I decided to build a scomp link and make the center rotate like it does in the movies. Plus, I wanted to make it into a functioning USB port for my ‎computer.


CircuitPython Motorized Camera Slider

By Adafruit Industries

This project uses an Adafruit Feather board to make an easy to control motorized camera slider with aluminum extrusion and 3D printed parts.


My Mini Race Car

By Adafruit Industries

Build your own high performance racer, using the Bluetooth LE capable Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE board, Motor Driver FeatherWing, and TE HTU21D-F temperature & humidity sensor.