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DIY Wireless DDR Dance Pad with Bluefruit EZ-Key

By Adafruit Industries

This tutorial generally explains how to go about building a wireless game pad on the cheap to avoid buy expensive adapters or pads. No programing required!


Adafruit NeoPixel Überguide

By Adafruit Industries

Everything you always wanted to know about Adafruit NeoPixels but were afraid to ask.


Introducing Adafruit Crickit #MakeRobotFriend

By Adafruit Industries

Make your robot pal who's fun to be with using Crickit!


Building a DC Motor Controller for Object Detection

By All About Circuits

In this project, you will be building an object detection DC motor controller.


Unicorn Hat with Moving Ears

By Adafruit Industries

Turn yourself or someone you love into a magical animatronic rainbow unicorn.