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DIY Wireless Remote Control With Arduino!

By Will Siffer

I need over 8 digital channels and 2 analog channels for my controller, which would be an expensive, but I can make my own custom controller for much less.


How to Add More Digital GPIO Pins to Arduino Projects using Shift Registers

By Staff

Learn how to easily extend both the number of inputs as well as outputs available for microcontroller projects using standard logic ICs.


How to Make an Arduino-Based VU Meter

By Staff

Visualize audio by creating a simple VU meter using an Arduino Nano Every, some LEDs, and an Adafruit electret microphone amplifier breakout board.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 5: Software Libraries and Custom Classes

By Staff

In Part 5 of the Basics of C++ on an Arduino series, we cover importing external software libraries into the Arduino IDE so you can use them in your projects.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 4 Control Statements and Loops

By Staff

This Basics of C++ on an Arduino series covers elements necessary to all sorts of projects and ideas. In this entry, we cover control statements and loops.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 3 Pointers and Arrays

By Staff

This Basics of C++ on an Arduino series covers elements necessary to all sorts of projects and ideas. In this entry, we cover Pointers and Arrays in C++.


The Basics of C++ on an Arduino, Part 2: Functions and Methods

By Staff

This Basics of C++ on an Arduino series covers elements necessary to all sorts of projects and ideas. In this entry, we cover Functions and Methods in C++.


The Hacksmith: Swinging Like Spiderman

By The Hacksmith

Hacksmith Industries is tackling one of Spider-Man’s most iconic abilities — web-slinging. See their recreation of Spider-Man’s swinging ability.