Using Digilent Pmod Keypad and LCD with Arduino Uno
2020-08-27 | By Digilent Inc
License: None
Digilent Pmod KYPD is a 16-button keypad arranged in a hexidecimal format (0-F). The PmodKYPD utilizes 4 rows and columns to create an array of 16 momentary pushbuttons. When a button is not pressed, a large pull-up resistor maintains a logic level high voltage on each of the row pins. By driving the column lines to a logic level low voltage one at a time, users may read the corresponding logic level voltage on each of the rows to determine which button, if any, is currently being pressed. Simultaneous button presses can also be recorded, although it is still required to step through each row and column separately in order to ensure that the pressed buttons do not interfere with each measurement. By design, multiple simultaneous button presses within the same row cannot be individually detected.
The Pmod CLS is a character LCD module driven by the Atmel ATmega48 microcontroller. With a display size of 16x2 characters, users may display any information on the screen by communicating via SPI, I2C, or UART. Through these protocol standards, users are able to set the cursor location and send other instructions by sending escape sequences. An escape sequence is specified by first sending the escape character (0x1B) followed by a left square bracket ‘[‘ (0x5B), and then one or more numeric parameters followed by the command character for the specific command. Check out our user guide for a complete list of instruction commands.
Both of Pmod KYPD and Pmod CLS are powered by Arduino Uno. So, users need to connect Vcc and GND pins of Pmods to 5V and GND of Arduino Uno. Then, row and column pins of Pmod KYPD are connected to digital pins of Arduino Uno. RX of Pmod LCD is connected to pin 13 of Arduino Uno. Pmod CLS has multiple options when recieving data, so both I2C or SPI communication protocols could have been used, but using UART enabels the user to connect it with only one wire (RX). You can set the boards communication method by setting the mode jumpers MD0, MD1, and MD2 on the board.
The Keypad.h library is used to retrieve pressed keys. SoftwareSerial.h library is used to communicate the Pmod CLS with Arduino. Keys pressed on the keypad will be showwn on the LCD. After the LCD is full (32 characters) and a key is pressed, the display is cleared and the character is displayed in the first position of the screen.
Test of the Pmods KYPD and CLS
Description: Pmod_KYPD_CLS
Buttons pressed will be shown on the LCD
1. Arduino Uno
2. Pmod KYPD
3. Pmod CLS
KYPD<----------> Arduino <--------> CLS
VCC to 5V to VCC
- to 13 to RX
COL4 to 9 to -
COL3 to 8 to -
COL2 to 7 to -
COL1 to 6 to -
ROW4 to 5 to -
ROW3 to 4 to -
ROW2 to 3 to -
ROW1 to 2 to -
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //include libraries
#include <Keypad.h>
SoftwareSerial lcd(12, 13); //define object for LCD. RX is pin 12 and TX is pin 13. We don't need to connect RX pin 12 from Arduino Uno to Pmod CLS.
byte row_pins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; //row pins of the keypad
byte column_pins[] = {6, 7, 8, 9}; //column pins of the keypad
//Declaration of the keys of the keypad
char hexaKeys[sizeof(row_pins) / sizeof(byte)][sizeof(column_pins) / sizeof(byte)] =
{'1', '2', '3', 'A'},
{'4', '5', '6', 'B'},
{'7', '8', '9', 'C'},
{'0', 'F', 'E', 'D'}
Keypad kypd = Keypad( makeKeymap(hexaKeys), row_pins, column_pins, sizeof(row_pins) / sizeof(byte), sizeof(column_pins) / sizeof(byte)); //define object for the keypad
int counter = 0; //variable to count keypresses
void setup()
lcd.begin(9600); // initialization of serial communication of LCD display
lcd.write("\x1b[j"); // Erase display. Use the command in Pmod CLS
lcd.write("\x1b[0h"); // configuration of the display (write on 2 lines). Use the command in Pmod CLS
lcd.write("\x1b[0;0H"); // cursor is on line 1 and columm 1. Use the command in Pmod CLS
void loop()
char current_key = kypd.getKey(); //get keypad state
if (current_key != 0) { //if a key is pressed
counter++; //increment counter
if (counter == 33) { //if the LCD is full
counter = 1; //reset counter
lcd.write("\x1b[j"); // Erase display
lcd.write("\x1b[0;0H"); // cursor is on line 1 and columm 1
lcd.print(current_key); //display key
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