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The Hacksmith Electromagnetic Hammer of Thor

2017-11-20 | By The Hacksmith

License: See Original Project

This project was created by Engineering Superheroes of Hackmith Industries.


Only the worthy may lift this hammer.

In preparation for the upcoming release Thor: Ragnarok, the Hacksmith team recreated Thor’s hammer with a 300V capacitor. Although the movie has already come out, that hasn’t stopped the team from making more Mjolnir replicas. A few weeks ago, the team went out to Texas to catch and shoot lightning at Captain America’s shield with one of their Mjolnir replicas. There was even a hammer that can be used as a battery.

The latest incarnation of Mjolnir can only be lifted by those who are worthy, or at least know the trick to lifting it. Check out how it works in the video.


The power of this hammer doesn’t come from the heart of a dying star or Odin’s blessing, instead, it comes from two 12V LiPo batteries held inside the hammer’s head by hot glue. The circuitry is also packed inside the head and the surface of the electromagnet pokes through the top of plastic hammer to create a magnetic bond. The electromagnets are the same ones used for the Spiderman climbing clamps and Captain America’s shield, which comes back after being thrown thanks to an electromagnet arm band. This electromagnet can stick to a surface with 530 lbs of force! (About 2350 N)

The circuit itself is relatively simple, there’s a power key that doubles as the charging port. When the key is removed, the electromagnet activates sticking it to the table with over 500lbs. The magnet can be deactivated using an iron ring and shorting hidden terminals built into the handle of the hammer.

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If you’d like to see updates to “Make it Real” projects before they’re completed, be sure check out the Hacksmith VLOG channel on Youtube for updates!

Electromagnetic Hammer of Thor


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