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Qwiic Digital Desk Sign with MicroMod

2022-09-08 | By SparkFun Electronics

License: See Original Project Displays

Courtesy of SparkFun

Guide by BBOYHO


‎"Where's Bobby?" A question that comes up when at work. While I'm usually at my desk, there are ‎times that I need to walk away for lunch, take a 15-minute break, head into a meeting, or check ‎inventory. To help notify others of where I may be, I made the Qwiic-enabled digital desk sign using ‎the SAMD51's USB host and a USB keyboard to type short custom messages while I am away!‎

Where is Bobby

Required Materials

To follow along with this tutorial, you will need the following materials. You may not need everything ‎though depending on what you have. Add it to your cart, read through the guide, and adjust the cart ‎as necessary.‎

You Will Also Need

Note: Not all keyboards are compatible. The code used in this tutorial was tested on the following ‎keyboards listed below. We found that the Logitech K400 Plus Wireless Touch Keyboard was not ‎compatible with this project.‎

You will also need a USB keyboard. The following keyboards were tested.‎

  • Dell KB216t
  • Logitech K120‎


You will need a soldering iron, solder, and general soldering accessories.‎

Suggested Reading

If you aren't familiar with the MicroMod ecosystem, we recommend reading here for an overview. ‎We recommend reading here for an overview if you decide to take advantage of the Qwiic ‎connector.‎


MicroMod Ecosystem


Qwiic Connect System

We also recommend checking out these tutorials before continuing. If you are using a Qwiic PIR ‎motion sensor with the project, you could also look at its associated tutorial.‎

  • Installing an Arduino Library: How do I install a custom Arduino library? It's easy! This ‎tutorial will go over how to install an Arduino library using the Arduino Library Manager. For libraries ‎not linked with the Arduino IDE, we will also go over manually installing an Arduino library.‎
  • Installing Arduino IDE: A step-by-step guide to installing and testing the Arduino software on ‎Windows, Mac, and Linux.‎
  • I2C: An introduction to I2C, one of the main embedded communications protocols in use today.‎
  • AVR-Based Serial Enabled LCDs Hookup Guide: The AVR-based Qwiic Serial Enabled ‎LCDs are a simple and cost-effective solution to include in your project. These screens are based ‎on the HD44780 controller and include ATmega328P with an Arduino compatible bootloader. They ‎accept control commands via Serial, SPI and I2C (via PTH headers or Qwiic connector). In this ‎tutorial, we will show examples of a simple setup and go through each communication option.‎
  • MicroMod SAMD51 Processor Board Hookup Guide: This tutorial covers the basic ‎functionality of the MicroMod SAMD51 and highlights the features of the ARM Cortex-M4F ‎development board.‎
  • MicroMod All the Pins (ATP) Carrier Board: Access All the Pins (ATP) of the MicroMod ‎Processor Board with the Carrier Board!‎
  • Qwiic PIR Hookup Guide: Get started passively monitoring motion using the Panasonic ‎EKMC and EKMB sensors with the SparkFun Qwiic PIR.‎

Hardware Assembly

If you have not already, make sure to check out the Getting Started with MicroMod: Hardware ‎Hookup for information on inserting your Processor Board to your Carrier Board.‎


Getting Started with MicroMod

Dive into the world of MicroMod - a compact interface to connect a microcontroller to various ‎peripherals via the M.2 Connector!‎

Your board should look like the image below after connecting the MicroMod SAMD51 Processor ‎Board to the MicroMod ATP. To program, insert the USB-C cable.‎


Since the SAMD51 uses the USB connector for USB host, we'll strip and solder wires to the board ‎to connect an external 5V wall adapter.‎


Then we'll strip the other end of the wires and insert them into a female barrel jack adapters with "+" ‎to VIN and "" to GND. We'll secure the wires by twisting them together.‎


Due to the design of the MicroMod SAMD51's host pins, we'll need to solder another USB Type A ‎connector breakout to the ATP's host pins using male headers. If you have an adapter to convert ‎the USB Type C to Type A, you can also use that as well.‎


While I could solder the breakout directly to the ATP's host pins, I decided to solder female headers ‎to the board to be able to easily disconnect the USB keyboard.‎


Add a Qwiic cable between the Qwiic SerLCD and MicroMod's Qwiic connector labeled as I2C.‎


Insert a keyboard to the USB breakout board.‎


When you have finished programming the SAMD51, you can insert a 5V wall adapter for power.‎


Warning! When programming your SAMD51 MicroMod, make sure to disconnect the 5V ‎adapter to avoid conflicting voltages with the USB port.‎

To save power and the screen, you can also add a PIR motion sensor or distance sensor to toggle ‎the screen on and off. An additional Qwiic cable and Qwiic PIR motion sensor was added between ‎the MicroMod ATP and Qwiic SerLCD.‎


The 20x40 SerLCD was hard to see any messages with it flat on a table, so a panel was eventually ‎cut out from a SparkFun cardboard box to mount the project. for the scope of this tutorial, won't go ‎over the specifics of cutting the cardboard in this tutorial or mounting the electronics to the panel.‎


Arduino Example Code

Note: If this is your first-time using Arduino IDE or board add-on, please review the following ‎tutorials. ‎

The example code can be found in the following GitHub repository. The example includes the ‎original host keyboard code from Arduino. The code was modified to work with a 20x4 SerLCD and ‎eventually the 16x2. To save power and the screen, the code was further modified to be used with ‎the Qwiic PIR motion sensor in order to toggle the RGB LED and screen. For the scope of this ‎project tutorial, we will be using examples 1b and 2.‎


Arduino SAMD Board Add-Ons

Since we are using the SAMD51, you will need to install the board add-on. Head over to the tutorial ‎for instructions on installing the board definitions.‎


MicroMod SAMD51 Processor Board Hookup Guide

This tutorial covers the basic functionality of the MicroMod SAMD51 and highlights the features of ‎the ARM Cortex-M4F development board.

Additional Libraries

If you are using the Qwiic PIR motion sensor, make sure to download and install the library ‎as stated in its tutorial.‎


Qwiic PIR Hookup Guide

Get started passively monitoring motion using the Panasonic EKMC and EKMB sensors with the ‎SparkFun Qwiic PIR.‎

The Arduino Library Manager is the easiest way to install the library. Open the Library Manager, ‎search for "SparkFun Qwiic PIR Arduino Library" and click the "Install" button to download the ‎latest version. If you prefer manually installing the library from the GitHub repository, you can ‎download it here:‎


Example 1b: Qwiic Digital Desk Sign

If you are using an external 5V wall adapter, make sure to disconnect it before inserting the USB C ‎cable to your computer's COM port to upload the project's code. Let's upload a project's sketch to ‎the board. Copy and paste the following code in the Arduino IDE. Head to Tools > Board to select ‎the correct board definition (in this case, SparkFun MicroMod SAMD51. Select the correct COM ‎port that the board enumerated to. Hit upload.‎

Copy Code
Host Keyboard Controller with Qwiic Serial LCD 16x2 and 20x4
Date Modified: 5 Aug 2021
Modified by
Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
Keyboard Controller Code Originally created 8 Oct 2012
by Cristian Maglie

========== DESCRIPTION==========

This project code takes input from a USB keyboard with
the SAMD51's USB host pins and outputs characters to
the Qwiic RGB Serial Enabled LCD 20x4. Leave a message
behind as you walk away from your desk!

Note: Not all keyboards are compatible. This code was tested on the following

- Dell KB216t
- Logitech K120

This example also builds off the example from Arduino which
originally showed the output of a USB Keyboard connected to
the Native USB port on an Arduino Due (SAMD21) Board.

This code is part of the public domain.


#include <KeyboardController.h> // Require keyboard control library
#include <Wire.h> //Needed for I2C to SerLCD

#define SerLCD_Address 0x72 //If using SerLCD with I2C
#define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial1 //debug via hardware UART pins

//assuming that we are using a SerLCD 20x4 screen
//these variables keep track of cursor location
int row = 0;
int remappedRow = row;
int column = 0;

//depending on what screen you are using, we are counting 0 as well
//int maxRow = 1; // for 16x2
int maxRow = 3; //for 20x4
//int maxColumn = 15; // for 16x2
int maxColumn = 19; //for 20x4

boolean rgb_backlight = true; //used for function keys to immediately turn on/off backlight
boolean blink_box = true; //used to keep track of blink box as a "cursor"

//values to keep track of rgb backlight
int rVal = 157; //128 = Off, 157 = 100%
int gVal = 187; //158 = Off, 187 = 100%
int bVal = 217; //188 = Off, 217 = 100%

//values used to turn off rgb in Power Save Mode
int rVal_OFF = 128;
int gVal_OFF = 158;
int bVal_OFF = 188;

int lcdContrast = 40; //used to keep track of contast: Range is 255 to 0, 40 is default

// Initialize USB Controller
USBHost usb;

// Attach keyboard controller to USB
KeyboardController keyboard(usb);

//boolean capsLock = false; //used to keep track of capsLock, this is not used in this code
boolean numLock = false; //display numbers if numLock on, we'll assume that the keyboard resets every time so it's off by default

// This function intercepts key press
void keyPressed() {
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("Pressed: ");
//printKey(); //disabled so we are not sending two key presses to the SerLCD

// This function intercepts key release
void keyReleased() {
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("Released: ");

void printKey() {
// getOemKey() returns the OEM-code associated with the key
int tempKey = keyboard.getOemKey();
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(" key:");

// getModifiers() returns a bits field with the modifiers-keys
int mod = keyboard.getModifiers();
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(" mod:");

SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(" => ");

if (mod & LeftCtrl)
if (mod & LeftShift)
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("L-Shift ");
if (mod & Alt)
if (mod & LeftCmd)
if (mod & RightCtrl)
if (mod & RightShift)
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("R-Shift ");
if (mod & AltGr)
if (mod & RightCmd)

// getKey() returns the ASCII translation of OEM key
// combined with modifiers.



4 to 29 = 'a' to 'z' and 'A' to 'Z' with Shift/CapsLock
30 to 39 = '1' to '9', '0', and '!@#$%^&*()' with Shift
40 = 'Enter'
42 = 'Backspace'
44 = 'Space'
45 = '-' or '_' with Shift
46 = '=' or '+' with Shift
47 = '[' or '{' with Shift
48 = ']' or '}' with Shift
49 = '\' or '|' with Shift
51 = ';' or ':' with Shift
52 = `'` or '"' with Shift
53 = '`' or '~' with Shift
54 = ',' or '<' with Shift
55 = '.' or '>' with Shift
56 = '/' or '?' with Shift

79 = `→` (e.g. right)
80 = `←` (e.g. left)
81 = `↓` (e.g. down)
82 = `↑` (e.g. up)

83 = 'NumLock'
84 = '/'
85 = '*'
86 = '-'
87 = '+'
88 = 'Enter'
89 = 'End' or '1' w/ NumLock
90 = '↓' (e.g. down) or '2' w/ NumLock
91 = 'Page Down' or '3' w/ NumLock
92 = '←' (e.g. left) or '4' w/ NumLock
93 = '5' w/ NumLock
94 = '→' (e.g. right) or '6' w/ NumLock
95 = 'Home' or '7' w/ NumLock
96 = '↑' (e.g. up) or '8' w/ NumLock
97 = 'Page Up' or '9' w/ NumLock
98 = 'Insert' or '0' w/ NumLock
99 = 'Delete' or '.' w/ NumLock

41 = 'Escape'
73 = 'Insert'
74 = 'Home'
75 = 'Page Up'
76 = 'Delete'
77 = 'End'
78 = 'Page Down'

58 = `F1`
59 = `F2`
60 = `F3`
61 = `F4`
62 = `F5`
63 = `F6`
64 = `F7`
65 = `F8`
66 = `F9`
67 = `F10`
68 = `F11`
69 = `F12`


if ((tempKey >= 4 && tempKey <= 39) ||
(tempKey >= 44 && tempKey <= 49) ||
(tempKey >= 51 && tempKey <= 56) ||
(tempKey >= 84 && tempKey <= 87) ||
((tempKey >= 89 && tempKey <= 97) && numLock == true) ||
tempKey == 73 ||
tempKey == 98 ||
(tempKey == 99 && numLock == true)) {


if ( (tempKey == 49) && ((mod == 2) || (mod == 32)) ) {
//Note: When sending the pipeline character(`|`),
//we'll need to send 2x since the character
//is also used as a setting character.
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line
else if ((tempKey == 49) && (mod == 0)) {
//Note: When sending back slash (`\`),
//we will load the custom character using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else if ( (tempKey == 53) && ((mod == 2) || (mod == 32)) ) {
//Note: When sending tilde (`~`),
//we will load the custom character using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else if (tempKey == 73) {
//Note: When sending 'insert',
//we will load the custom character '♥' using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else if (tempKey == 98 && numLock == false) {
//Note: When sending keypad insert,
//we will load the custom character '♡' using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else {

//after typing the cursor will move automatically to
//next position so let's keep track of it
if (column < maxColumn) {
//if we are not at the end of the row, move cursor to next position
column = column + 1;
else {
//if we are at the end of the row, reset cursor to the beginning of the row
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
//if we are not on the last line, move cursor to the next line
row = row + 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line, move cursor to the first line
row = 0;

//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


/*NOTE: These keys move the cursor so it is kept
as separate condition statements. We will
also include most of the numLock keys when 'NUMLOCK'
is disabled.*/
else if ((tempKey >= 79 && tempKey <= 82) ||
tempKey == 40 ||
tempKey == 74 ||
tempKey == 77 ||
tempKey == 75 ||
tempKey == 78 ||
tempKey == 83 ||
tempKey == 88 ||
((tempKey >= 89 && tempKey <= 97) && numLock == false) ) {

//move cursor based on d-pad or Enter key

//----------NUMLOCK KEY----------
if (tempKey == 83) {
numLock = !numLock;// change state of numLock if pressed by inverting it

//----------LEFT KEY----------
else if ((tempKey == 80) || (tempKey == 92 && numLock == false)) {

if (column > 0) {
//if we are at the beginning of the row
column = column - 1;
else {
//if we are at the end of the row
column = maxColumn;

if (row > 0) {
//if we are not on the last line move up a line
row = row - 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line
row = maxRow;

//----------RIGHT KEY----------
else if ( (tempKey == 79) || (tempKey == 94 && numLock == false) ) {

if (column < maxColumn) {
//if we are at the before the end of the row
column = column + 1;
else {
//if we are at the end of the row, reset cursor position
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
//move to next line if we are before the last line
row = row + 1;
else {
//move to the first line if we have reached the end
row = 0;

//----------UP KEY----------
else if ( (tempKey == 82) || (tempKey == 96 && numLock == false) ) {
if (row > 0) {
//if we are not on the first line
row = row - 1;
else {
//if we are on the first line, move cursor to the last line
row = maxRow;

//----------DOWN KEY----------
else if ( (tempKey == 81) || (tempKey == 90 && numLock == false) ) {
if (row < maxRow) {
//if we are not on the first line
row = row + 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line, move cursor to the first line
row = 0;

//----------ENTER KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 40 || tempKey == 88) {
//move to the first position of the next line
column = 0;
if (row < maxRow) {
//if we are not on the first line, move cursor to the next line
row = row + 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line, move cursor to the first line
row = 0;

//----------HOME KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 74 || (tempKey == 95 && numLock == false) ) {
//move to the first position of the next line
column = 0;

//----------END KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 77 || (tempKey == 89 && numLock == false)) {
//move to the first position of the next line
column = maxColumn;

//----------PAGE UP KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 75 || (tempKey == 97 && numLock == false)) {
//move to the top row
row = 0;

//----------PAGE DOWN KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 78 || (tempKey == 91 && numLock == false)) {
//move to the bottom row
row = maxRow;

else if (tempKey == 93 && numLock == false ) {
blink_box = !blink_box;// change state of blink_box if pressed by inverting it

Wire.write(254); //Send command character

if (blink_box == false) {
Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) ); //Cursor off, blinking box off
else {
//if blink_box == true

Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0) ); //Cursor off, blinking box on

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


//----------ESCAPE KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 41) {
//Make the escape key clear screen and reset cursor position.
Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command
//Control the cursor
Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0) ); //Cursor on, blinking box on
blink_box = true;
// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


//----------BACKSPACE KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 42) {
//- 'Delete' by replacing with 'Space',
//- move backward,
//- then move backward again since cursor moves after sending character

for (int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++) {

if (i == 0) {
//"Delete character" by replacing character with a space
//and then moving cursor backwards after this condition statement.
//We do this only once.

Wire.write(32); //Send 'Space' Character
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

//cursor moved automatically to next position so let's keep track of it
if (column < maxColumn) {
column = column + 1;
else {
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
row = row + 1;
else {
row = 0;

//For backspace, we are replacing the current position
//with a space. This moves the cursor forward once space
//To correct this, we are going to move backward twice
//with the help of the for() loop.
if (column > 0) {
column = column - 1;
else {
column = maxColumn;

if (row > 0) {
row = row - 1;
else {
row = maxRow;

//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

}//end for() loop for controlling cursor with 'Backspace'
}//end condition statement for 'Backspace'

//----------DELETE KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 76 || (tempKey == 99 && numLock == false) ) {
//- 'Delete' by replacing with 'Space',
//- move backward again since cursor moves after sending character
//Note: Delete for the SerLCD is not like the traditional
//forward delete key. For the SerLCD, we are simply
//going to delete the character at the cursor position.
//The characters ahead of the cursor will not be shifted
//to the left.

Wire.write(32); //Send 'Space' Character

//cursor moved automatically to next position so let's keep track of it
if (column < maxColumn) {
column = column + 1;
else {
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
row = row + 1;
else {
row = 0;

//move cursor back to where it was
if (column > 0) {
column = column - 1;
else {
column = maxColumn;

if (row > 0) {
row = row - 1;
else {
row = maxRow;

//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

}//end condition statement for 'Delete'

else if (tempKey == 58) {

if (rVal > 128) {
rVal = rVal - 1;
else {
rVal = 128;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Update red value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 59) {

if (rVal < 157 ) {
rVal = rVal + 1;
else {
rVal = 157;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Update red value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

else if (tempKey == 60) {

if (gVal > 158 ) {
gVal = gVal - 1;
else {
gVal = 158;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Update green value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 61) {

if (gVal < 187 ) {
gVal = gVal + 1;
else {
gVal = 187;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Update green value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 62) {

if (bVal > 188 ) {
bVal = bVal - 1;
else {
bVal = 188;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Update blue value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

else if (tempKey == 63) {

if (bVal < 217 ) {
bVal = bVal + 1;
else {
bVal = 217;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Update blue value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 64) {
//backlight ON/OFF

if (rVal == 128 && gVal == 158 && bVal == 188)
{ //if all values are off, we will turn it all ON in the next condition statement
rgb_backlight = 0;
else {
//if any of the LEDs is partially on, we will turn it all OFF in the next condition statement
rgb_backlight = 1;

if (rgb_backlight == 0)
{ // rgb_backlight == false //OFF, so turn ON

rgb_backlight = 1;// set it ON
rVal = 157;
gVal = 187;
bVal = 217;


Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

{ // rgb_backlight == true //ON, so turn OFF

rgb_backlight = 0;// set it OFF
rVal = 128;
gVal = 158;
bVal = 188;


Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission



else if (tempKey == 65) {
//set custom color, let's set it to cyan (0%, 100%, 100%)

rVal = 128;
gVal = 187;
bVal = 217;


Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 66) {
//Custom Message 1

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Gone dancing! I'll ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("be back at 12:30pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" =) ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Gone dancing! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("BRB at 12:30pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


else if (tempKey == 67) {
//Custom Message 2

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {

//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Out for lunch! I'll ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("be back at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" ^_^ ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Out for lunch! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("BRB at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


else if (tempKey == 68) {
//Custom Message 3

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {

//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("In a meeting! I'll ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("be back at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("In a meeting! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("BRB at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


else if (tempKey == 69) {
//Custom Message 4

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {

//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Bobby's desk is here");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" Working remote! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" See you virtually! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Bobby's desk is ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


delay(50); //The maximum update rate of OpenLCD is about 100Hz (10ms). A smaller delay will cause flicker


//Set Custom Characters for 5x8 Character Position
byte back_slash[8] = {

byte tilde[8] = {

byte heart[8] = {

byte empty_heart[8] = {

//Given a character number (0 to 7 is valid)
//Given an 8 byte array
//Record this data as a custom character to CGRAM
void loadCustomCharacter(byte charNumber, byte charData[])
if (charNumber > 7) charNumber = 7; //Error correction

Wire.write('|'); //Send setting character
Wire.write(27 + charNumber); //27 is the first custom character spot

for (byte x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++) //There are 8 bytes of data we need to load
Wire.write(charData[x]); //Write 8 bytes of graphic data to display

//Display a given custom character that was previously loaded into CGRAM
void printCustomChar(byte charNumber)
if (charNumber > 7) charNumber = 7; //Error correction

Wire.write('|'); //Send setting character
Wire.write(35 + charNumber); //Tell LCD to display custom char # 0-7

void setup() {
//while (!SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("Keyboard Controller Program started");

if (usb.Init() == -1)
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("OSC did not start.");

delay(3000);//wait a second for the SerLCD to initialize before setting it up

Wire.begin(); //Join the I2C bus
Wire.setClock(400000); // Set clock speed to be the fastest for better communication (fast mode)

//Send custom characters to display
//These are recorded to SerLCD and are remembered even after power is lost
//There is a maximum of 8 custom characters that can be recorded
loadCustomCharacter(0, back_slash);
loadCustomCharacter(1, tilde);
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

loadCustomCharacter(2, heart);
loadCustomCharacter(3, empty_heart);

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command
//Control the cursor
Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0) ); //Cursor on, blinking box on
blink_box = true;
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

delay(50); //short delay before sending next line


void loop() {
// Process USB tasks


//Given a number, i2cSendValue chops up an integer into four values and sends them out over I2C
void i2cSendValue(int value)
Wire.beginTransmission(SerLCD_Address); // transmit to device #1

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

Note: Since we are using the USB pins on the SAMD51 for host mode, you'll notice that port will ‎disappear as it is running the sketch. If you need to upload code again to the board, you will need ‎to hit the reset button twice to enter bootloader mode in order to upload code to the SAMD51 again.‎

What You Should See

Unplug the USB cable from your computer and insert it into the MicroMod ATP's host port. Power ‎up the board with the 5V wall adapter. Type a custom message using a USB keyboard to see the ‎output on the Qwiic SerLCD!‎


Use the d-pad to move the cursor around and adjust the message.‎


Example 2: Qwiic Digital Desk Sign w/ PIR

If you are using an external 5V wall adapter, make sure to disconnect it before inserting the USB C ‎cable to your computer's COM port to upload the project's code. Let's upload a project's sketch to ‎the board. Copy and paste the following code in the Arduino IDE. Head to Tools > Board to select ‎the correct board definition (in this case, SparkFun MicroMod SAMD51. Select the correct COM ‎port that the board enumerated to. Hit upload.‎

Copy Code
Host Keyboard Controller with Qwiic Serial LCD and Qwiic PIR
Date Modified: 5 Aug 2021
Modified by
Ho Yun "Bobby" Chan
Keyboard Controller Code Originally created 8 Oct 2012
by Cristian Maglie

========== DESCRIPTION==========

This project code takes input from a USB keyboard with
the SAMD51's USB host pins and outputs characters to
the Qwiic RGB Serial Enabled LCD 4x20. Leave a message
behind as you walk away from your desk!

Note: Not all keyboards are compatible. This code was tested on the following

- Dell KB216t
- Logitech K120

This example also builds off the example from Arduino which
originally showed the output of a USB Keyboard connected to
the Native USB port on an Arduino Due (SAMD21) Board.

This code is part of the public domain.


#include <KeyboardController.h> // Require keyboard control library
#include <SparkFun_Qwiic_PIR.h>
QwiicPIR pir;

//#include <Wire.h> //Was needed for I2C to SerLCD and Qwiic PIR but it is defined in the Qwiic PIR library so we comment it out

#define SerLCD_Address 0x72 //If using SerLCD with I2C
#define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial1 //debug via hardware UART pins

//assuming that we are using a SerLCD 20x4 screen
//these variables keep track of cursor location
int row = 0;
int remappedRow = row;
int column = 0;

//depending on what screen you are using, we are counting 0 as well
//int maxRow = 1; // for 16x2
int maxRow = 3; //for 20x4
//int maxColumn = 15; // for 16x2
int maxColumn = 19; //for 20x4

boolean rgb_backlight = true; //used for function keys to immediately turn on/off backlight
boolean blink_box = true; //used to keep track of blink box as a "cursor"

//values to keep track of rgb backlight
int rVal = 157; //128 = Off, 157 = 100%
int gVal = 187; //158 = Off, 187 = 100%
int bVal = 217; //188 = Off, 217 = 100%

//values used to turn off rgb in Power Save Mode
int rVal_OFF = 128;
int gVal_OFF = 158;
int bVal_OFF = 188;

int lcdContrast = 40; //used to keep track of contast: Range is 255 to 0, 40 is default

boolean activity = true; //used to keep track of movement or keyboard presses
const int noActivityMillis = 10000; //used to compare amount of time when no activity to turn of screen
int currentMillis = 0; //get time based on how long the Arduino has been running
int lastActivityMillis = 0;

// Initialize USB Controller
USBHost usb;

// Attach keyboard controller to USB
KeyboardController keyboard(usb);

//boolean capsLock = false; //used to keep track of capsLock, this is not used in this code
boolean numLock = false; //display numbers if numLock on, we'll assume that the keyboard resets every time so it's off by default

// This function intercepts key press
void keyPressed() {
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("Pressed: ");
//printKey(); //disabled so we are not sending two key presses to the SerLCD

// This function intercepts key release
void keyReleased() {
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("Released: ");

void printKey() {
activity = true;

// getOemKey() returns the OEM-code associated with the key
int tempKey = keyboard.getOemKey();
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(" key:");

// getModifiers() returns a bits field with the modifiers-keys
int mod = keyboard.getModifiers();
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(" mod:");

SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print(" => ");

if (mod & LeftCtrl)
if (mod & LeftShift)
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("L-Shift ");
if (mod & Alt)
if (mod & LeftCmd)
if (mod & RightCtrl)
if (mod & RightShift)
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.print("R-Shift ");
if (mod & AltGr)
if (mod & RightCmd)

// getKey() returns the ASCII translation of OEM key
// combined with modifiers.



4 to 29 = 'a' to 'z' and 'A' to 'Z' with Shift/CapsLock
30 to 39 = '1' to '9', '0', and '!@#$%^&*()' with Shift
40 = 'Enter'
42 = 'Backspace'
44 = 'Space'
45 = '-' or '_' with Shift
46 = '=' or '+' with Shift
47 = '[' or '{' with Shift
48 = ']' or '}' with Shift
49 = '\' or '|' with Shift
51 = ';' or ':' with Shift
52 = `'` or '"' with Shift
53 = '`' or '~' with Shift
54 = ',' or '<' with Shift
55 = '.' or '>' with Shift
56 = '/' or '?' with Shift

79 = `→` (e.g. right)
80 = `←` (e.g. left)
81 = `↓` (e.g. down)
82 = `↑` (e.g. up)

83 = 'NumLock'
84 = '/'
85 = '*'
86 = '-'
87 = '+'
88 = 'Enter'
89 = 'End' or '1' w/ NumLock
90 = '↓' (e.g. down) or '2' w/ NumLock
91 = 'Page Down' or '3' w/ NumLock
92 = '←' (e.g. left) or '4' w/ NumLock
93 = '5' w/ NumLock
94 = '→' (e.g. right) or '6' w/ NumLock
95 = 'Home' or '7' w/ NumLock
96 = '↑' (e.g. up) or '8' w/ NumLock
97 = 'Page Up' or '9' w/ NumLock
98 = 'Insert' or '0' w/ NumLock
99 = 'Delete' or '.' w/ NumLock

41 = 'Escape'
73 = 'Insert'
74 = 'Home'
75 = 'Page Up'
76 = 'Delete'
77 = 'End'
78 = 'Page Down'

58 = `F1`
59 = `F2`
60 = `F3`
61 = `F4`
62 = `F5`
63 = `F6`
64 = `F7`
65 = `F8`
66 = `F9`
67 = `F10`
68 = `F11`
69 = `F12`


if ((tempKey >= 4 && tempKey <= 39) ||
(tempKey >= 44 && tempKey <= 49) ||
(tempKey >= 51 && tempKey <= 56) ||
(tempKey >= 84 && tempKey <= 87) ||
((tempKey >= 89 && tempKey <= 97) && numLock == true) ||
tempKey == 73 ||
tempKey == 98 ||
(tempKey == 99 && numLock == true)) {


if ( (tempKey == 49) && ((mod == 2) || (mod == 32)) ) {
//Note: When sending the pipeline character(`|`),
//we'll need to send 2x since the character
//is also used as a setting character.
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line
else if ((tempKey == 49) && (mod == 0)) {
//Note: When sending back slash (`\`),
//we will load the custom character using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else if ( (tempKey == 53) && ((mod == 2) || (mod == 32)) ) {
//Note: When sending tilde (`~`),
//we will load the custom character using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else if (tempKey == 73) {
//Note: When sending 'insert',
//we will load the custom character '♥' using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else if (tempKey == 98 && numLock == false) {
//Note: When sending keypad insert,
//we will load the custom character '♡' using
//printCustomChar() through I2C
else {

//after typing the cursor will move automatically to
//next position so let's keep track of it
if (column < maxColumn) {
//if we are not at the end of the row, move cursor to next position
column = column + 1;
else {
//if we are at the end of the row, reset cursor to the beginning of the row
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
//if we are not on the last line, move cursor to the next line
row = row + 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line, move cursor to the first line
row = 0;

//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


/*NOTE: These keys move the cursor so it is kept
as separate condition statements. We will
also include most of the numLock keys when 'NUMLOCK'
is disabled.*/
else if ((tempKey >= 79 && tempKey <= 82) ||
tempKey == 40 ||
tempKey == 74 ||
tempKey == 77 ||
tempKey == 75 ||
tempKey == 78 ||
tempKey == 83 ||
tempKey == 88 ||
((tempKey >= 89 && tempKey <= 97) && numLock == false) ) {

//move cursor based on d-pad or Enter key

//----------NUMLOCK KEY----------
if (tempKey == 83) {
numLock = !numLock;// change state of numLock if pressed by inverting it

//----------LEFT KEY----------
else if ((tempKey == 80) || (tempKey == 92 && numLock == false)) {

if (column > 0) {
//if we are at the beginning of the row
column = column - 1;
else {
//if we are at the end of the row
column = maxColumn;

if (row > 0) {
//if we are not on the last line move up a line
row = row - 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line
row = maxRow;

//----------RIGHT KEY----------
else if ( (tempKey == 79) || (tempKey == 94 && numLock == false) ) {

if (column < maxColumn) {
//if we are at the before the end of the row
column = column + 1;
else {
//if we are at the end of the row, reset cursor position
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
//move to next line if we are before the last line
row = row + 1;
else {
//move to the first line if we have reached the end
row = 0;

//----------UP KEY----------
else if ( (tempKey == 82) || (tempKey == 96 && numLock == false) ) {
if (row > 0) {
//if we are not on the first line
row = row - 1;
else {
//if we are on the first line, move cursor to the last line
row = maxRow;

//----------DOWN KEY----------
else if ( (tempKey == 81) || (tempKey == 90 && numLock == false) ) {
if (row < maxRow) {
//if we are not on the first line
row = row + 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line, move cursor to the first line
row = 0;

//----------ENTER KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 40 || tempKey == 88) {
//move to the first position of the next line
column = 0;
if (row < maxRow) {
//if we are not on the first line, move cursor to the next line
row = row + 1;
else {
//if we are on the last line, move cursor to the first line
row = 0;

//----------HOME KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 74 || (tempKey == 95 && numLock == false) ) {
//move to the first position of the next line
column = 0;

//----------END KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 77 || (tempKey == 89 && numLock == false)) {
//move to the first position of the next line
column = maxColumn;

//----------PAGE UP KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 75 || (tempKey == 97 && numLock == false)) {
//move to the top row
row = 0;

//----------PAGE DOWN KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 78 || (tempKey == 91 && numLock == false)) {
//move to the bottom row
row = maxRow;

else if (tempKey == 93 && numLock == false ) {
blink_box = !blink_box;// change state of blink_box if pressed by inverting it

Wire.write(254); //Send command character

if (blink_box == false) {
Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) ); //Cursor off, blinking box off
else {
//if blink_box == true

Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0) ); //Cursor off, blinking box on

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


//----------ESCAPE KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 41) {
//Make the escape key clear screen and reset cursor position.
Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command
//Control the cursor
Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0) ); //Cursor on, blinking box on
blink_box = true;
// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


//----------BACKSPACE KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 42) {
//- 'Delete' by replacing with 'Space',
//- move backward,
//- then move backward again since cursor moves after sending character

for (int i = 0 ; i < 2; i++) {

if (i == 0) {
//"Delete character" by replacing character with a space
//and then moving cursor backwards after this condition statement.
//We do this only once.

Wire.write(32); //Send 'Space' Character
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

//cursor moved automatically to next position so let's keep track of it
if (column < maxColumn) {
column = column + 1;
else {
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
row = row + 1;
else {
row = 0;

//For backspace, we are replacing the current position
//with a space. This moves the cursor forward once space
//To correct this, we are going to move backward twice
//with the help of the for() loop.
if (column > 0) {
column = column - 1;
else {
column = maxColumn;

if (row > 0) {
row = row - 1;
else {
row = maxRow;

//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

}//end for() loop for controlling cursor with 'Backspace'
}//end condition statement for 'Backspace'

//----------DELETE KEY----------
else if (tempKey == 76 || (tempKey == 99 && numLock == false) ) {
//- 'Delete' by replacing with 'Space',
//- move backward again since cursor moves after sending character
//Note: Delete for the SerLCD is not like the traditional
//forward delete key. For the SerLCD, we are simply
//going to delete the character at the cursor position.
//The characters ahead of the cursor will not be shifted
//to the left.

Wire.write(32); //Send 'Space' Character

//cursor moved automatically to next position so let's keep track of it
if (column < maxColumn) {
column = column + 1;
else {
column = 0;

if (row < maxRow) {
row = row + 1;
else {
row = 0;

//move cursor back to where it was
if (column > 0) {
column = column - 1;
else {
column = maxColumn;

if (row > 0) {
row = row - 1;
else {
row = maxRow;

//remap according to SerLCD's line number
if (row == 0) {
remappedRow = 0;
else if (row == 1) {
remappedRow = 64;
else if (row == 2) {
remappedRow = 20;
else if (row == 3) {
remappedRow = 84;

Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

}//end condition statement for 'Delete'

else if (tempKey == 58) {

if (rVal > 128) {
rVal = rVal - 1;
else {
rVal = 128;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Update red value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 59) {

if (rVal < 157 ) {
rVal = rVal + 1;
else {
rVal = 157;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Update red value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

else if (tempKey == 60) {

if (gVal > 158 ) {
gVal = gVal - 1;
else {
gVal = 158;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Update green value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 61) {

if (gVal < 187 ) {
gVal = gVal + 1;
else {
gVal = 187;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Update green value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 62) {

if (bVal > 188 ) {
bVal = bVal - 1;
else {
bVal = 188;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Update blue value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

else if (tempKey == 63) {

if (bVal < 217 ) {
bVal = bVal + 1;
else {
bVal = 217;

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Update blue value
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 64) {
//backlight ON/OFF

if (rVal == 128 && gVal == 158 && bVal == 188)
{ //if all values are off, we will turn it all ON in the next condition statement
rgb_backlight = 0;
else {
//if any of the LEDs is partially on, we will turn it all OFF in the next condition statement
rgb_backlight = 1;

if (rgb_backlight == 0)
{ // rgb_backlight == false //OFF, so turn ON

rgb_backlight = 1;// set it ON
rVal = 157;
gVal = 187;
bVal = 217;


Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

{ // rgb_backlight == true //ON, so turn OFF

rgb_backlight = 0;// set it OFF
rVal = 128;
gVal = 158;
bVal = 188;


Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission



else if (tempKey == 65) {
//set custom color, let's set it to cyan (0%, 100%, 100%)

rVal = 128;
gVal = 187;
bVal = 217;


Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission


else if (tempKey == 66) {
//Custom Message 1

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Gone dancing! I'll ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("be back at 12:30pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" =) ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Gone dancing! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("BRB at 12:30pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


else if (tempKey == 67) {
//Custom Message 2

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {

//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Out for lunch! I'll ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("be back at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" ^_^ ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Out for lunch! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("BRB at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


else if (tempKey == 68) {
//Custom Message 3

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {

//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("In a meeting! I'll ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("be back at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("In a meeting! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("BRB at 2:00pm! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


else if (tempKey == 69) {
//Custom Message 4

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

// reset cursor position to (0,0) after using clear display command
row = 0;
remappedRow = row;
column = 0;

if (maxRow == 3 && maxColumn == 19) {

//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Bobby's desk is here");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" Working remote! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print(" See you virtually! ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.print("SparkFun Electronics");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 2;
remappedRow = 20;
column = 19;
else {
//Note: We'll send the lines in separate I2C transmissions
//instead of all at once. Sending several lines freezes the SerLCD.

Wire.print("Bobby's desk is ");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

//move cursor position so it's out of the way of the text;
row = 1;
remappedRow = 64;
column = 15;


Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write(128 + remappedRow + column); //update cursor position
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50);//short delay before sending next line


delay(50); //The maximum update rate of OpenLCD is about 100Hz (10ms). A smaller delay will cause flicker


//Set Custom Characters for 5x8 Character Position
byte back_slash[8] = {

byte tilde[8] = {

byte heart[8] = {

byte empty_heart[8] = {

//Given a character number (0 to 7 is valid)
//Given an 8 byte array
//Record this data as a custom character to CGRAM
void loadCustomCharacter(byte charNumber, byte charData[])
if (charNumber > 7) charNumber = 7; //Error correction

Wire.write('|'); //Send setting character
Wire.write(27 + charNumber); //27 is the first custom character spot

for (byte x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++) //There are 8 bytes of data we need to load
Wire.write(charData[x]); //Write 8 bytes of graphic data to display

//Display a given custom character that was previously loaded into CGRAM
void printCustomChar(byte charNumber)
if (charNumber > 7) charNumber = 7; //Error correction

Wire.write('|'); //Send setting character
Wire.write(35 + charNumber); //Tell LCD to display custom char # 0-7

void setup() {
//while (!SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("Keyboard Controller Program started");

if (usb.Init() == -1)
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("OSC did not start.");

delay(3000);//wait a second for the SerLCD to initialize before setting it up

Wire.begin(); //Join the I2C bus
Wire.setClock(400000); // Set clock speed to be the fastest for better communication (fast mode)

//Send custom characters to display
//These are recorded to SerLCD and are remembered even after power is lost
//There is a maximum of 8 custom characters that can be recorded
loadCustomCharacter(0, back_slash);
loadCustomCharacter(1, tilde);
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

loadCustomCharacter(2, heart);
loadCustomCharacter(3, empty_heart);

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

delay(50);//short delay before sending next line

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command
//Control the cursor
Wire.write(254); //Send command character
Wire.write( (1 << 3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0) ); //Cursor on, blinking box on
blink_box = true;
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

delay(50); //short delay before sending next line

//check if pir will acknowledge over I2C
if (pir.begin() == false) {
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("Device did not acknowledge! Freezing.");
Wire.print("PIR !Connected");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
while (1);

SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("PIR acknowledged. Waiting 30 Seconds while PIR warms up");
Wire.print("Waiting 30 secs for PIR up");
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
for (uint8_t seconds = 0; seconds < 30; seconds++)


SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("PIR warm!");

//Use this function call to change the debounce time of the PIR sensor
//The parameter is the debounce time in milliseconds

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50); //short delay before sending next line

Wire.write('|'); //Send command character
Wire.write('/'); //disable system messages since current buffer on the SerLCD does not save what is on screen or custom characters correctly
Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
delay(50); //short delay before sending next line


void loop() {
if (activity == true) {

lastActivityMillis = millis(); //save time when event occurred

if (lcdContrast != 5) {

//turn on screen once
//Control the cursor and display
Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(24); //Value to change contrast
Wire.write(5); //Contrast from 255 to 0; 5 is default

//turn on backlight to previous value
Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

lcdContrast = 5;
activity = false; //reset flag
else {
//check time to see if we are over 10s
currentMillis = millis();

if ( ( currentMillis - lastActivityMillis ) < noActivityMillis ) {
//do nothing since t < 10s
else {
//it's been over 10s then let's turn off screen

if (lcdContrast != 255) {
//turn off screen once
//display off by turning contrast off
Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(24); //Value to change contrast
Wire.write(255);//Contrast from 255 to 0; 5 is default


Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(rVal_OFF); //Set red backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(gVal_OFF); //Set green backlight

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write(bVal_OFF); //Set blue backlight

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission
lcdContrast = 255;


// Process USB tasks

//check if there is an available PIR event, and tell us what it is!
if (pir.available()) {
if (pir.objectDetected()) {
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("Object Detected");
activity = true;
if (pir.objectRemoved()) {
SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR.println("Object Removed");


//Given a number, i2cSendValue chops up an integer into four values and sends them out over I2C
void i2cSendValue(int value)
Wire.beginTransmission(SerLCD_Address); // transmit to device #1

Wire.write('|'); //Put LCD into setting mode
Wire.write('-'); //Send clear display command

Wire.endTransmission(); //Stop I2C transmission

Note: Since we are using the USB pins on the SAMD51 for host mode, you'll notice that port will ‎disappear as it is running the sketch. If you need to upload code again to the board, you will need ‎to hit the reset button twice to enter bootloader mode in order to upload code to the SAMD51 again.‎

What You Should See

Unplug the USB cable from your computer and insert it into the MicroMod ATP's host port. Power ‎up the board with the 5V wall adapter. You should see something similar to Example 1b. However, ‎the RGB Character LCD turn off whenever there is no activity from the keyboard or motion. This ‎will save a little power as well as grab someone's attention when the Character LCD lights up and ‎displays a custom message.‎

Making It Better

There’s always room for improvement. After the project was completed, I realized that the project ‎could be improved. Below are a list of possible upgrades and improvements that could be ‎implemented for future builds.‎

  • Efficient Arduino Code
    • After the finishing the code to display a message on the serial character LCD, I found ‎out there was also an SerLCD Arduino Library to control the serial character LCD. The ‎examples used in this tutorial could be updated with latest SerLCD Arduino Library ‎functions to reduce redundancies in the code.
    • ‎I could also create modular function to move the cursor on the serial character LCD to ‎reduce redundancies in code.
    • ‎To make the code more efficient, run slightly faster, and save space on the processor, ‎I could use #ifdef's use Serial.print() only when I am debugging the code. The ‎tradeoff is that this would create more lines of code. *The display would react slowly to ‎the button press. Adjusting the delay between each I2C transmission and using the ‎SerLCD Arduino Library could increase amount of characters sent to improve the ‎performance.
  • More macros to include more predefined messages
    • The predefined messages were limited to just the function keys. I could include more ‎predefined messages by using button combinations.‎
  • Alternative Processors
    • When writing the code, the only processor that had USB host was the MicroMod ‎SAMD51 Processor Board. Now that the MicroMod Teensy Processor Board is ‎available, the code could be modified to use with PJRC's USB Host Library, which can ‎have additional keyboard support. There's also the MicroMod RP2040 Processor ‎Board also has host support through the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK.
  • Alternative Displays
    • The 16x2 and 20x4 Character LCDs only provide a limited number of characters on ‎the display. Using a different display from the SparkFun catalog could allow for more ‎space to add longer messages or add intricate animations depending on the type of ‎display.‎


Not working as expected and need help? ‎

If you need technical assistance and more information on a product that is not working as you ‎expected, we recommend heading on over to the SparkFun Technical Assistance page for some ‎initial troubleshooting.


If you don't find what you need there, the SparkFun Forums are a great place to find and ask for ‎help. If this is your first visit, you'll need to create a Forum Account to search product forums and ‎post questions.


  • USB Keyboard Not Compatible
    • Not all USB keyboards are compatible with the USBHost Arduino Library. Try using a ‎different keyboard. Another alternative is to use the MicroMod Teensy Processor ‎Board, which has additional keyboard support.‎

Resources and Going Further

For more information, check out the resources below regarding this project!‎

制造商零件编号 PRT-10288
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 LCD-16398
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 BOB-12700
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 DEV-16791
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 PRT-14427
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 CAB-15426
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 DEV-16885
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 TOL-14456
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 PRT-08022
SparkFun Electronics
制造商零件编号 PRT-08024
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