Just a fun project for myself. The initial idea was to try to copy the https://github.com/3s1d/tweety and port it to the m5stack, just to try it out. The first version working was on the M5Core2 but this platform had way more things than required. The idea then was to transfer it to the vario, which I build based on the m5stack-core2, to m5stick-plus-c.
Code Changes from the Tweety.
The Skytraxx tweety is perfect and I own one and fly other devices from Skytraxx, so if you want something that works I recommend it. But I wanted to tinker around, so I took the climb code with the linear regression to try to fit it on the M5Stick.
How to
* Connect the Grovesensor and Buzzer to the m5stick.
* Checkout the Github code using Visual-Studio Code and Platform IO.
* Compile and upload it to the stick and test it.
Vario Version2.
Flight test.
Well it worked pretty well with the air :-) so I will probably stop here. It is in no way a match with the Tweety but it was fun. One issue which I can't fix quickly is the polarization of my sunglasses.
- The code is awful. Sorry :-)
- m/s is not calculated correctly.
- duty cycle and duration of the tone is not correct.
- Actually, everything could be improved :-).
[OK] Simplify the screen (green, red, black), only m/s and maybe an arrow.
[OK] Modify the tone generation to the buzzer.
[NOK] Volume cannot be changed. Maximum with PWM is 50% and it is what we did, but it is too low.
[OK] Try another external buzzer. You need the hat or external buzzer. Both worked fine.
Github m5stick-vario
The code for the m5stick-vario. Basecode for the climb comes from the Skytraxx tweety. https://github.com/3s1d/tweety I would recommend buying the original :-)