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GeoFence Treasure Hunt with Artemis Global Tracker

2024-10-22 | By SparkFun Electronics

License: See Original Project GPS Arduino

Courtesy of SparkFun

Guide by SparkFun

The Story

The Artemis Global Tracker is a highly functional sensor device with professional grade pressure, ‎humidity, and temperature sensing with the onboard TE MS8607 PHT sensor, and location data ‎through the onboard u-blox ZOE-M8Q GNSS receiver. It can also be programmed with the Arduino ‎IDE through the Artemis processor and transfer information through the Iridium Satellite Network ‎due to the Iridium 9603N Short Burst Data modem. The goal of this project is to demonstrate the ‎ease of working with this device, and the accuracy and potential of its onboard sensors, specifically ‎the GNSS receiver.‎

This project will use the Artemis Global Tracker (AGT) to create a “Treasure Game” in which the ‎player begins the game, the AGT will randomly select a position in a 20-meter radius (designated ‎the “treasure spot”), and the onboard LED will blink faster as the player moves toward the “treasure ‎spot” - winning when they find it exactly. In this way, the onboard LED will lead the player to the ‎‎“treasure spot”. This game will also transfer location information to a computer using the Iridium ‎Satellite Network, meaning it could be played even where no WIFI or wireless data is accessible.‎

The Components

NOTE: To connect to the Iridium Satellite Network requires a monthly fee of $17 and a purchase of ‎credits, however, you can pick and choose the periods to access the network.‎


The Setup

The first step in the development setup is the software setup. If you have not programmed with the ‎Arduino IDE before, SparkFun made a great introductory guide to setup with the Artemis module ‎which can be found here. It notes the need to add the Artemis module within the Arduino IDE ‎boards manager using the following link:‎

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You will also need to add the following libraries to the Arduino IDE: SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino ‎Library, IridiumSBDi2c. If you want to make use of the PHT sensor, you will also need the SparkFun ‎PHT MS8607 Arduino Library. These can all be found within the Arduino Library Manager.‎

To begin development, you will need to connect the Artemis Global Tracker to your device with the ‎Arduino IDE using the USB-C cable and select the designated board (RedBoard Artemis ATP).‎

The Logic

The code enables the GNSS module functionality, finds the current longitude and latitude of the ‎AGT device, randomly generates a target distance and angle based on the current location, and ‎begins blinking the onboard LED with intervals relating to the distance between the current location ‎and target location. We will also mark the location of a 30-meter radius around the starting location ‎using the “addGeofence” function from the SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library. If the device ‎leaves this radius while playing the game, the player will lose. The treasure position is chosen by ‎randomly selecting a distance between 15 and 30 meters and a distance between 0 and 360 ‎degrees from the starting position.‎

The magic here involves calculating distances and angles with spherical coordinates. The game ‎should be playable on a large (potentially worldly) scale, which means no assuming the Earth is flat. ‎Therefore, from two sets of spherical coordinates (the initial and current position of the AGT ‎device), we need to compute the effective spherical angle and distance between them. Through ‎research, making use of the haversine and bearing equations, where the haversine function ‎calculates the distance between the two positions and the bearing function calculates the angle, ‎seemed like the best approach. They work as follows:‎

Haversine Distance Function


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double getCoordinateDistance(long La1, long Lo1, double La2, long Lo2) {
    double radius = 6.3781e6;  // radius of the Earth (meters)
    // conversion to radians
    double rla1 = La1*(1E-7) * (PI/180);
    double rla2 = La2*(1E-7) * (PI/180);
    double rlo1 = Lo1*(1E-7) * (PI/180);
    double rlo2 = Lo2*(1E-7) * (PI/180);

    double a = sin((rla2-rla1)/2) * sin((rla2-rla1)/2) + cos(rla1) * cos(rla2) * sin((rlo2 - rlo1)/2) * sin((rlo2 - rlo1)/2);

    double b = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));

    return radius * b;

Bearing Angle Function

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long getCoordinateBearing(long La1, long Lo1, long La2, long Lo2) {
    double rLa1 = La1*(1E-7) * (PI/180);
    double rLa2 = La2*(1E-7) * (PI/180);
    double rLo1 = Lo1*(1E-7) * (PI/180);
    double rLo2 = Lo2*(1E-7) * (PI/180);

    double y = sin(rLo2-rLo1) * cos(rLa2);
    double x = cos(rLa1) * sin(rLa2) - sin(rLa1)*cos(rLa2)*cos(rLo2-rLo1);

    return (atan2(y, x) * (180/PI)); // returns angle between -180 and 180

The necessity of these functions becomes apparent once you learn about the system of spherical ‎coordinates. Longitudinal values may work as expected, associated with a vertical position on a ‎sphere. However, Latitudinal distances become difficult to calculate since each longitudinal value ‎forces each horizontal cross-section of the Earth to be a different sized circle.‎

With these functions, we calculate the current positions angle and distance from the initial position, ‎essentially creating polar coordinates. Once the distance between the target and current polar ‎coordinates reaches a certain threshold (within 2 meters), the treasure has been found! The ‎distance to the target is also made aware to the player visually through an LED meter as shown in ‎the demo. In order to find this distance, we use the polar distance formula as shown:‎

As the player gets closer to the goal position, the onboard LED blinks faster and faster until it stays ‎lit when the treasure is found. Also, the AGT is writing to the Arduino Serial Monitor with the current ‎player positions, the goal positions, and a message demonstrating how close the player is to the ‎treasure (“hotter,” “colder, etc.)‎.

The Result

Finally, once the treasure is found, the AGT connects to the iridium satellite network and sends an ‎HTTP POST request with the success message to any destination. The AGT does not need wifi ‎connection for this request: the satellite network does this for you after you make an account with ‎Ground Control and connect the iridium device on the AGT. I made a temporary site on ‎ which automatically sets up an endpoint to receive HTTP requests. Here’s an ‎example message after I played the game and won!‎

The Iridium network can also estimate the approximate location of the message based on the ‎positioning of the satellite themselves.‎

The Code

Here, we have the main loop function which combines the logic above with functions that interact ‎with the AGT hardware.‎

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void loop() {

 if (WIN) {

   Serial.println(F("YOU FOUND THE TREASURE!!"));
   while (true) {
     Serial.println(F("YOU FOUND THE TREASURE!!"));

 } else {
   geofenceState currentGeofenceState; // Create storage for the geofence state
   boolean result = myGNSS.getGeofenceState(currentGeofenceState);
   Serial.print(F("getGeofenceState returned: ")); // Print the combined state
   Serial.print(result); // Get the geofence state

   if (!result) // If getGeofenceState did not return true
     Serial.println(F(".")); // Tidy up
     return; // and go round the loop again

   // Print the Geofencing status
   // 0 - Geofencing not available or not reliable; 1 - Geofencing active
   Serial.print(F(". status is: "));

   // Print the numFences
   Serial.print(F(". numFences is: "));

   // Print the state of the geofence
   // 0 - Unknown; 1 - Inside; 2 - Outside
   Serial.print(F(". The geofence stats is: "));

   byte fenceStatus = digitalRead(geofencePin); // Read the geofence pin
   digitalWrite(LED, !fenceStatus); // Set the LED (inverted)
   Serial.print(F(". Geofence pin (PIO14) is: ")); // Print the pin state

   curr_lat = myGNSS.getLatitude(); // Get the latitude in degrees * 10^-7
   curr_long = myGNSS.getLongitude(); // Get the longitude in degrees * 10^-7
   curr_angle = (getCoordinateBearing(latitude, longitude, curr_lat, curr_long) + 180) % 360;
   curr_distance = getCoordinateDistance(latitude, longitude, curr_lat, curr_long);

   Serial.print(F("Current Latitude: "));
   Serial.print(F(". Current Longitude: "));

   Serial.print(F("Goal Angle: "));
   Serial.print(F(". Goal Distance: "));

   Serial.print(F("Current Angle: "));
   Serial.print(F(". Current Distance: "));

   score = sqrt(curr_distance * curr_distance + goal_distance * goal_distance - 2 * goal_distance * curr_distance * cos((curr_angle * (2*PI/360)) - (goal_angle * (2*PI/360))));
   Serial.print(F("Current Score: "));

   if (score < 2) {
     WIN = true;
   } if (score < 5) {
     Serial.println(F(": HOT!!"));
   } else if (score < 12) {
     Serial.println(F(": Warmerrr..."));
   } else if (score < 20) {
     Serial.println(F(": Room Temp"));
   } else {
     Serial.println(F(": Ice Cold..."));


 digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
 digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);

Once the player finds the treasure, the victory function runs, which connects the AGT to the Iridium ‎network and sends a victory message.‎

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void signalVictory() {
  int signalQuality = -1;
  int err;

  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // Make the LED pin an output

  gnssOFF(); // Disable power for the GNSS
  pinMode(gnssBckpBatChgEN, INPUT); // GNSS backup batttery charge control
  pinMode(geofencePin, INPUT); // Configure the geofence pin as an input
  pinMode(iridiumPwrEN, OUTPUT); // Configure the Iridium Power Pin
  digitalWrite(iridiumPwrEN, LOW); // Disable Iridium Power
  pinMode(superCapChgEN, OUTPUT); // Configure the super capacitor charger enable pin
  digitalWrite(superCapChgEN, LOW); // Disable the super capacitor charger
  pinMode(iridiumSleep, OUTPUT); // Iridium 9603N On/Off (Sleep) pin
  digitalWrite(iridiumSleep, LOW); // Put the Iridium 9603N to sleep
  pinMode(iridiumRI, INPUT); // Configure the Iridium Ring Indicator as an input
  pinMode(iridiumNA, INPUT); // Configure the Iridium Network Available as an input
  pinMode(superCapPGOOD, INPUT); // Configure the super capacitor charger PGOOD input


  // Enable the supercapacitor
  Serial.println(F("Enabling the supercapacitor charger..."));
  digitalWrite(superCapChgEN, HIGH);
  // wait for the capacitor to charge
  while (digitalRead(superCapPGOOD) == false)
    Serial.println(F("Waiting for supercapacitors to charge..."));
  Serial.println(F("Supercapacitors charged!"));

  // Enable power for the 9603N (Iridium Connection)
  Serial.println(F("Enabling 9603N power..."));
  digitalWrite(iridiumPwrEN, HIGH); // Enable Iridium Power

  // Startup the modem
  Serial.println(F("Starting modem..."));
  err = modem.begin();
  if (err != ISBD_SUCCESS)
    Serial.print(F("Begin failed: error "));
    if (err == ISBD_NO_MODEM_DETECTED)
    Serial.println(F("No modem detected: check wiring."));

  // Test the signal quality.
  err = modem.getSignalQuality(signalQuality);
  if (err != ISBD_SUCCESS)
    Serial.print(F("SignalQuality failed: error "));

  Serial.print(F("On a scale of 0 to 5, signal quality is currently "));

  // Send the message
  Serial.println(F("Trying to send the message.  This might take several minutes."));
  err = modem.sendSBDText("YOU FOUND THE TREASURE!!");
  if (err != ISBD_SUCCESS)
    Serial.print(F("sendSBDText failed: error "));
    Serial.println(F("Try again with a better view of the sky."));


  // Clear the Mobile Originated message buffer
  Serial.println(F("Clearing the MO buffer."));
  err = modem.clearBuffers(ISBD_CLEAR_MO); // Clear MO buffer
  if (err != ISBD_SUCCESS)
    Serial.print(F("clearBuffers failed: error "));

  // Power down the modem
  Serial.println(F("Putting the 9603N to sleep."));
  err = modem.sleep();
  if (err != ISBD_SUCCESS)
    Serial.print(F("sleep failed: error "));

  Serial.println(F("Disabling 9603N power..."));
  digitalWrite(iridiumPwrEN, LOW); // Disable Iridium Power

  Serial.println(F("Disabling the supercapacitor charger..."));
  digitalWrite(superCapChgEN, LOW); // Disable the super capacitor charger

  Serial.println(F("Game Complete!"));

Next Steps

All of these components together create a fun hide and seek game with your Artemis Global ‎Tracker! There are many ways one could extend this example and create a higher functioning game. ‎For one, you could create a website designed to take a POST request after a player wins the game ‎and show stats from the game (ex: time until find, score, etc.). Also, you could add hardware ‎components along with the AGT to graphically show game stats for the user while playing. For ‎example, an LED meter would be a great way to show live score updates to the player.‎


This project could not have happened without the documentation and examples from the SparkFun ‎AGT examples repository found here. Some of SparkFun’s setup functions and definitions were ‎necessary in the working game and can be found in the resulting code.‎

This tutorial was created and engineered by Jameson Koonce, a Computer Engineering Student at ‎the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


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