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Gesture-based remote control device

By Alex Miller

This project demonstrates a gesture based remote control device using Silabs xG24 Dev Kit.


Ultra-Tiny Solution of Daily Activities Recognition

By Alex Miller

Prototyping: a Hand Tracker with Nicla Sense ME and Bosch sensors


TinyML Monitoring Air Quality on 8-bit Microcontroller

By Alex Miller

Learn how to create a TinyML model and run it on MCU to detect chemical gases


Case from the Newly Released TinyML Cookbook

By Alex Miller

Check out how to repeat a TinyML experiment on building a weather station from the new “TinyML Cookbook” and make the model smaller


Tabular Data VS Computer Vision: Detecting Room Occupancy

By Alex Miller

Learn why room occupancy detection using environmental sensors and tabular data wins over computer vision.


Real-time Food Quality Prediction

By Alex Miller

Detect spoiled products using the Tiny Machine Learning approach.