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The Hacksmith: The Ultimate Security Drone System at H.E.R.C.

2024-09-24 | By The Hacksmith

This cutting-edge system was created by the engineering wizards of Hacksmith Industries.

DO NOT ATTEMPT to Recreate.

At Hacksmith Engineering Research Campus (H.E.R.C.), innovation never stops. So, when it came to campus security, we decided to design something that would match the sheer creativity and power of our other projects: a fully autonomous security drone system. The goal? Create an aerial surveillance network capable of detecting and responding to intrusions faster than any human. After putting it through its paces—including a controlled break-in by a professional penetration tester—the results were impressive. Is it over-the-top? Maybe. Is it effective? Absolutely.

See the whole journey and how it performed in the video above!

How Does It Work?

The backbone of our new security system is a DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced drone equipped with a high-definition camera, night vision, and advanced motion detection. With the penetration tester simulating an actual break-in attempt, we put every component to the test.

The system operates on a series of autonomous routines that allow the drone to patrol pre-programmed zones throughout H.E.R.C. The drone is connected to a centralized command center via a secure RC (radio-controlled) link. The command center monitors the live feed from the drone, coordinating patrols and analyzing data in real-time.

But here’s where it gets interesting—unlike traditional security drones, this one isn't just a passive observer. It has active deterrent measures. When an intruder is detected, it can issue warnings via speakers, track the intruder’s movements, and—if needed—alert local law enforcement or security teams within seconds. It’s a self-sustaining security force that never sleeps.

Image of Secruity Turret Scheme-It Secruity Turret Scheme-It

The Tech Behind the System

The secret to our security system lies in the perfect combination of three things: DBOX drone system, robot security dog, and custom security turrets.

1. DBOX Drone System: The DBOX drone system provides aerial surveillance, allowing real-time monitoring of wide areas with advanced features such as night vision and motion detection. These drones autonomously patrol pre-programmed routes, ensuring constant coverage and quick response to any unusual activity from above.

2. Robot Security Dog: On the ground, the robot security dog complements the drones by offering a highly mobile, all-terrain unit capable of navigating tight spaces and interacting directly with potential threats. Its advanced AI enables it to assess situations, issue warnings, and, if necessary, physically engage with intruders, providing a versatile and proactive security presence.

3. Custom Security Turrets: Acting as the system’s final line of defense, the custom security turrets are strategically placed around the perimeter. Equipped with advanced sensors and AI, these turrets can detect unauthorized movement and deploy non-lethal deterrent measures if required, ensuring any threats are neutralized swiftly and effectively.

scheme it

Real-World Test: The Penetration Break-In

Now, it wouldn’t be Hacksmith Industries if we didn’t push the system to its absolute limits. So, we hired a professional penetration tester to break into H.E.R.C. His mission: steal the plans for the upcoming Smith Blade EDC.

As the penetration tester approached the building from the cover of the forest, the DBOX drone system quickly detected his movements. Using high-definition cameras, night vision, and motion detection, the drone locked onto his position, relaying live footage to the command center. Despite being tracked outside, the tester managed to breach the perimeter and enter the building.

However, the interior security cameras, strategically placed throughout the facility, immediately picked up his movements. These cameras activated the robot security dog, which navigated the building’s halls with precision, quickly locating and following the intruder while providing continuous updates to the command center. When the tester reached the final room, hoping to complete his mission, the custom security turrets came online.

Using advanced motion detectors and AI targeting systems, the turrets locked onto him and unleashed a barrage of Orbeez (non-lethal gel pellets), overwhelming him and neutralizing the threat. The sequence demonstrated the seamless integration of the security system, with drones, cameras, the robot dog, and turrets working together to eliminate any chance of success for the intruder.

From Concept to Reality

The success of this test was no accident. Our team meticulously engineered every part of the system to make it adaptable and scalable. While the drones operate with standard electronics, the security turrets are equipped with custom-built PCBs that enable precise control over their targeting systems, sensors, and communication networks. Constant current power drivers ensure a stable energy supply.

A New Era in Security

The H.E.R.C. security drone system marks a turning point in campus security, offering autonomous and real-time protection without the limitations of human oversight. While it's not available for commercial use yet (don’t even think about trying to recreate it!), we’ll continue to refine the design and explore new applications.

The sky may be the limit for some, but for Hacksmith Industries, the sky is just where we get started.

Stay tuned for updates on how this cutting-edge technology evolves in future projects!

Watch the full breakdown of the test in the video above!

Image of Robot Security Dog


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