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Celebrating National STEM Day

2021-11-10 | By Kevin Walseth

DigiKey and Make: would like to extend our thanks to all of the STEM and Maker educators that make this world a better place. To do so, we will be giving away three 30 pack kits of Seeed Studios Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino to schools around the country.

This kit enables beginners new to Arduino a simplified way to get started. Each kit includes one Arduino compatible board and ten additional Grove Arduino sensors all on-board, eliminating the need for cables, soldering, or wiring. However, the option to remove the modules and use Grove cables is still there to provide more flexibility with the creation process.

To enter, simply find Make: or DigiKey on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook and tag a teacher that inspires to make great things. Or, if you are a teacher, there is nothing wrong with tagging yourself to help make your STEM classroom better! From the entrants, we will select three lucky winners at the end of the week.

Here are some example projects to help you get inspired:

Also, make sure to see some of the great things Make: is working on and visit Maker Camp for project tutorials, Maker Campus to learn new skills, and Maker Shed for books and kits.


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