New Product Discovery: Fluke Electronics Test Meter T6-600

Clamp ammeters measure current flow without the hassle of breaking apart a circuit to insert test leads for current readings. Fluke has built upon this convenience with their FieldSense Technology, which allows AC current and voltage readings to be measured in the same clamp-meter fashion. The FieldSense technology is integrated into two models: The T6-600 which can handle up to 600 V and 200 A or the beefier T6-1000 which can sense up to 1 kV and 200 A. Featured with the Fluke T6 are test leads to take AC or DC measurements.

(Image source: Fluke Electronics)


Image of Linzee Loerzel Lindsay Foy 是 DigiKey 的应用工程技术人员,2005 年加入 DigiKey,负责协助客户解决各种项目的技术问题以及编写技术内容。她拥有北国社区技术学院的自动化电子和电子元件营销学位。业余时间,Lindsay 喜欢参与明尼苏达园艺专家志愿者活动,参加 MOOC 课程和旅行。
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