
什么是 Helium 矿机及其工作原理

Helium 是一个全球化分布式的热点网络,为支持 LoRaWAN 物联网而构建公共的、长距离无线覆盖。

DK IoT Studio

DigiKey 现在提供 DK IoT Studio™,这是一个集成开发环境,旨在给物联网开发者和解决方案提供商来一次“彻底的简化”。

2018 传感器博览会有感

DigiKey 参展 2018 传感器博览会。看看展位参观者对哪些未来传感器发展趋势有兴趣。

Innovative IoT Sensor Technology will be Hot Topic at Sensors Expo 2018

Sensors play a key role in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. The Sensors Expo should be a fun event with opportunities for learning and networking.

2018 IoT Fuse Conference Rewind

DigiKey went all out and participated in the workshops, gave a talk, and sat on a panel discussion at the 2018 IoT Fuse conference in Minneapolis.

New Video Series - All the Internet of Things

We here at DigiKey are excited to be collaborating with our friends at Adafruit in a new video series all about The Internet of Things (IoT).